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Modes of Response.

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1 Modes of Response

2 Productive Struggle Giving students time to struggle with tasks, and asking questions that scaffold students’ thinking without stepping in to do the work for them.    Grappling with important mathematics that is opposite of simply being presented information to be memorized or being asked only to practice what has been demonstrated.   

3 Under YOUR Control: Modes of Response
The mode of response is the manner in which the teacher expects the students to respond.

4 Under YOUR Control: Modes of Response
The mode of response is the manner in which the teacher expects the students to respond. Brainstorm 4 different modes of response

5 Under YOUR Control: Modes of Response
Which modes would be lower risk from learner’s point of view? Which modes give you information about what students know, and what quality of information?

6 Consider ways to elicit student response:
Teacher: “What is one possible solution?” Teacher: “Quietly think about one possible solution. Raise a quiet hand if you have one possible solution.” Teacher: “Quietly think about one possible solution. Show me on your fingers what you are thinking about.” Teacher: “Turn and talk with a partner about one possible solution.”

7 What about after a student responds...
Trying on someone else’s reasoning...what modes of response and question might be used to have the rest of the class try on the respondent’s reasoning?

8 Teacher moves When to go to partners, table group, or whole class
SMOYF: Show me on your fingers... Many different answers. Mostly same answer.

9 Teacher moves When to go to partners, table group, or whole class
Taking quiet hands: Only a few hands. Many hands.

10 Teacher moves When to go to partners, table group, or whole class
Taking quiet hands: At least one hand in each group. Only a few hands scattered throughout the room. Hands only in one section of the room (i.e. one group).

11 MOR’s for Groups or Partners
Partner or Group--when to choose which? To structure or not? Teacher: “I’ll give you 30 second individual think time, then you can talk at your tables about…” Teacher: “Partner A say, ‘I think____’.; and Partner B respond, ‘So you think ____, and I agree because I was thinking______.” or ‘So you think______, and I am thinking differently. I think____.” What are goals for students regarding group talk?

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