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Do Now How do scientists communicate their findings?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now How do scientists communicate their findings?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now How do scientists communicate their findings?
What are important factors that will ensure scientists communicate their findings clearly?

2 Lab Reports

3 Lab Report Formal Lab Report includes 4 sections, plus a title and bibliography. Rubric gives you guidance as to the requirements for each section. We grade your report depending on how well you fulfilled each portion of the rubric.

4 Introduction Purpose – usually provided in handouts, but may require some background research to clarify the reason lab is being conducted. Background REQUIRES you to conduct background research MUST CITE ALL YOUR SOURCES IN THE TEXT All sources must be listed in your bibliography Hypothesis – If independent variable is related dependent variable, then prediction, because scientific reasoning.

5 Procedure & Materials All materials used should be listed. Procedure
Check – is there anything I listed that I did not use? Is there any materials I forgot? Procedure Must describe all steps in detail Must include controlled variables (e.g., amount of time, liquid, temperature, location, etc….) Must include control group and experimental groups with significant detail.

6 Results Most reports will include tables and graphs.
Remember to include titles to tables and graphs Axis labels with units Appropriate scaling on each axis. Use DRY MIX to help remember which axis dependent and independent variables are located.

7 Results Must include Qualitative and Quantitative observations and data. Graphs must completed using Excel or other spreadsheet.

8 Conclusion Must include discussion of data, trends, and relationships observed. Include conclusion based on your data. Data must be cited to support your discussion and conclusion.

9 Conclusion Discussion of validity
Was experiment properly designed and implemented? i.e, enough replicates, all interfering variables controlled, procedure properly followed Did errors in procedure or lack of appropriate experiment design affect the results?

10 Conclusion How could you improve experiment?
How could you investigate this question using other methods or materials? How can you relate this experiment to a real world situation?

11 Bibliography Must be in APA format Must be cited in text.
Example: Carbon dioxide gas emissions have increased significantly in the last 150 years (EPA, 2014). All sources must be listed in bibliography.

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