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Hero’s Journey Archetype

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1 Hero’s Journey Archetype

2 THE HERO’S JOURNEY One of the most common and universal archetypes
Found in ancient mythology, contemporary literature, and our own lives Experienced in three stages, each involving recognizable steps Steps can appear at any stage and in any order Recursive-- the journey is a dynamic process, not a rigid sequence of events

•Call can appear suddenly or gradually. •Call can be answered willingly or reluctantly. •Call can be refused, thus ending or postponing the journey. Examples: --The hero senses something missing in his/her life and sets out to find it. --Something is taken and the hero sets out to reclaim it. --The hero is challenged to embark on a journey. CROSSING THE THRESHOLD •Hero leaves the known and enters the unknown. •Unknown world can be physical or psychological. •Hero must first pass threshold guardian(s), to prove he/she is ready.

•Challenges can be physical or psychological. •Challenges become progressively more difficult. •Hero sometimes fails. •When successful, the hero gains maturity, confidence and skills. •Hero is often assisted by others (guardians, helpers, mentors). INTO THE ABYSS •Hero faces his/her greatest challenge. •Hero usually faces this challenge alone. TRANSFORMATION •Hero sees self and world in a new way. •Death and rebirth (IE: child gives way to adult, fear to courage, ignorance to knowledge, etc…)

5 RETURN ADJUSTING TO THE TRANSFORMATION •Hero returns to everyday life.
•Hero must adjust to changes that have occurred (in self and community). BESTOWING OF BOONS •Hero attains / reclaims a boon as a result of the journey. •Boon can be tangible (buried treasure) or intangible (knowledge / awareness). •Hero may or may not share boons with community. •Community may or may not accept the boon.

6 GLOSSARY Archetype: pattern, model, blue print
Abyss: greatest challenge; also called “the belly of the whale” Boon: gift or reward; can be tangible or intangible Call to Adventure: invitation to the journey Herald: character or event that brings the call to adventure Mentor: character who guides the hero Talisman: object of luck, magic or aid Threshold: point between the known and the unknown; hero must cross it to embark on journey Threshold Guardian: those who bar the threshold until the hero proves readiness/ worthiness Transformation: hero sees self / world in a new way

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