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Unit 2, Lesson 4 The Seven Deadly Sins of Customer Service

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1 Unit 2, Lesson 4 The Seven Deadly Sins of Customer Service
AOHT Delivering Great Customer Service Unit 2, Lesson 4 The Seven Deadly Sins of Customer Service Copyright © 2007–2015 NAF. All rights reserved.

2 Sin #1: Leave a customer hanging
Leading a customer to expect a reply, then not following through with a response—this is one of the most commonly committed sins. Why do you think people don’t return phone calls when they promise to?

3 Sin #2: Argue with a customer
Even if the customer is wrong, arguing will not turn him into a satisfied customer. Why is it a better idea not to tell the customer that she’s wrong? What do you think should be done instead?

4 Sin #3: Look unprofessional
If you don’t seem to care about cleanliness, appropriate dress, or personal appearance, customers may assume that you also don’t care about your job or your customers. Would you want a waiter with dirty hands to serve you? Why or why not? What if the person cleaning your hotel room had boots caked with dirt?

5 Sin #4: Give incorrect or conflicting information
It’s important to offer accurate information, or even to admit that you don’t have the answer and promise to call back (and then follow through). What can a company do to help its employees avoid this sin?

6 Sin #5: Argue with a co-worker in front of a customer
…or use inappropriate tone or language with a fellow worker. You won’t always like your boss or everyone you work with, but you should never argue, insult, or put down a co-worker, particularly in front of a customer. What do you think you should do if you and a co-worker are starting to disagree in front of a customer?

7 Sin #6: Imply that a customer’s needs are unimportant
…or ignore a customer. Even if the customer’s needs seem unimportant to you, those needs are very important to the customer. What kind of attitude does someone show by taking your complaint seriously?

8 Sin #7: Pass the buck Passing the buck means blaming someone else for not taking care of something. It also means saying a problem is someone else’s job because you don’t want to deal with it. When you tell a customer to find someone else to solve the problem, you are committing this sin. If you don’t know how to help a customer, what could you do instead of passing the buck?

9 Everyone makes mistakes sometimes
Nobody is perfect. The point is to do your best, admit it if you’ve made a mistake, and apologize sincerely whenever appropriate.

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