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LO: What is Insolation? Do Now: In your notes write what you think Insolation is. Grab Plicker cards.

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Presentation on theme: "LO: What is Insolation? Do Now: In your notes write what you think Insolation is. Grab Plicker cards."— Presentation transcript:

1 LO: What is Insolation? Do Now: In your notes write what you think Insolation is. Grab Plicker cards

2 Solar Radiation and Insolation
- (INcoming SOlar RAdiation) The electromagnetic radiation that is received by the Earth at the top of the atmosphere. Intensity of Insolation - The strength of the sun’s radiation that strikes a specific point on Earth in a specific amount of time. - The maximum intensity striking the Earth’s surface occurs in the range of visible light. - 48% of the total energy received at the top of the atmosphere is infrared. Effect of the Atmosphere on Insolation - The Insolation reaching Earth’s surface differs from the Insolation hitting the top of the atmosphere. Absorption of Ultraviolet and infrared -Nearly all Ultraviolet radiation is absorbed in the atmosphere by Ozone. - Other Gases absorb Infrared radiation (Water vapor, Carbon dioxide, Methane). Reflection and Scattering - Clouds reflect energy back to space and into the - Aerosols scatter Insolation. - Common aerosols include Ice crystals, water droplets, dust, volcanic ash and air pollutants. - Higher concentration of aerosols and more clouds = less Insolation reaching Earth’s surface. LO: What is Insolation? O Z O N E oops

3 Balance of Energy from Insolation and Earth’s Surface Radiation
- ½ of the Insolation that strikes the upper atmosphere reaches Earth’s Surface. - It is absorbed and heats the surface up. - The Earth then reradiates this energy which cools it down. - There is a balance between the amount of energy absorbed and radiated by the Earth. Factors Affecting Absorption and Reflection of Insolation Angle of Incidence - The angle at which the sun’s rays strike the Earth’s surface. - The higher the sun in the sky the higher the angle of Incidence = More energy absorbed. - The lower the sun in the sky the lower angle of incidence = Less energy absorbed/More energy reflected. Surface Characterisitics - Rough surfaces absorb more energy/reflect less energy - Smooth surfaces reflect more energy/absorb less energy - Dark colors absorb more energy/reflect less - Light colors reflect more energy/absorb less LO: What is Insolation?

4 Greenhouse Effect Worksheet
Activity LO: What is Insolation? Greenhouse Effect Worksheet

5 Summary What is Insolation?
LO: What is Insolation? What is Insolation? What three words make up the term Insolation? How does this affect us on a daily basis?

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