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Document Enhancements

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1 Document Enhancements
© EIT, Author Gay Robertson, 2017

2 What will you do in this section?
Present documents that include page numbering options; page and section breaks; headers and footers; format of font size, type, and alignment; use of lines, boxes and borders; columns including hyphenation; bullets and numbering All documents will be in accordance with the output required and organisation style requirements

3 Font types, Font sizes . By changing the way text looks in a document you can draw attention to key words and ideas, make the meanings of words and paragraphs clearer, and show changes you have made. The fonts and font sizes you can choose may sometimes depend on the printer you are using and the installation of your software. To see the fonts and font sizes available for your printer and in your software, click the Font box and Font Sizes box arrows on the Home tab OR Mini toolbar

4 Typefaces . A font type is a “typeface”. A typeface is a set of characters designed with a distinctive pattern. Fonts are stored in a folder on your Hard Drive Typefaces are called serif fonts or sans serif fonts. Serif fonts eg Times New Roman, Bell MT, have curly parts at the end of each character. Sans Serif fonts are plainer fonts eg Calibri or Arial and do not have these fancy little curly parts. “True Type” fonts will print on any printer

5 Styles . Styles are used to allow you to quickly format a document with a consistent and professional look. These default styles can be applied to new text, they can be modified, and they can be copied onto other templates. Styles can be easily applied using the Home Tab Styles group

6 Borders and Shading Can be placed on text or paragraphs, tables or pages Applied from Home tab Can be customised

7 Page Layout The correct margins, page orientation (landscape or portrait), correct page endings, paragraph alignment, vertical and horizontal centring are all a part of page layout How the document is laid out on the page makes it easier for the reader to understand and meets the professional look needed from a document which represents your organisation’s style requirements

8 Bullets and Numbering A symbol or number used to mark or identify items in a list A bulleted list is used when the list items are not in a particular order A numbered list is used when a particular order is important Used to draw attention to the items in the list Applied from Home tab OR Mini Toolbar Can be customised

9 Columns Columns can be set on whole document (click anywhere in document, set columns) Columns can be set on part of a document (Select text, set columns) Columns can be set within a previously setup section (click in Section, set columns) Columns can be customized If NOTHING IS SELECTED columns will apply TO THE WHOLE DOCUMENT!!!

10 Headers and Footers Headers and Footers are used to identify documents and to aid with collation They can include author and filenames, copyright information, page numbers etc Graphics, shading, borders and lines can be used in headers/footers Different headers/footers can be used on separate sections of a document Best to use FILENAME FIELD in headers in case you change the filename eg make a copy of the file

11 Graphics Pictures can be inserted to a specific place in a file
Text can be “wrapped around” the graphic Can also use lines, autoshapes and text boxes

12 End show Esc to Exit

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