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Facilitating Relationships through Community Engagement

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitating Relationships through Community Engagement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitating Relationships through Community Engagement

2 GUIDING PRINCIPLES Knowing interests, goals, talents TAKING TIME,
STRATEGIC PLANNING ROLE CLARITY THOUGHTFUL REFLECTION INTENTIONAL EFFORT Responsible for building process Always following up Probing, not leaving to chance Asking questions Addressing resistance Resisting formalization TAKING TIME, ALWAYS LOOKING FOR CONNECTIONS BETWEEN PEOPLE,PLACES AND ACTIVITIES,TALK WITH OTHERS Knowing interests, goals, talents Eye on big picture Anticipate barriers and challenges Assessing what works and what doesn’t, flexible when opportunities arise having goals and benchmarks Not a teacher, a coach who facilitates , asking ‘ what do you need from me?’, dancing through the steps, cheerleader, breaking down steps to social skills, knowledge of ‘home life’ navigating to engage in relationships and activities

WHERE TO CONNECT Natural pathways Social Networks Places Activities ROLES TO FACILITATE ENGAGEMENT Coach Mentor Champion HOW THOUGHTFUL , INTENTIONAL PROCESS Based on strengths, gifts talents interest Where to start Opportunities to belong through contribution and meaningful roles Based on strengths, gifts, talents—have to know the person—learn to tell the persons story the way you would want your own story told Where to start—start with something they love and ask yourself who in the broader community also loves that Importance of being needed—must have a meaningful role, socially valued, missed if you’re not there, its about self-confidence – knowing what to do Role Identity—What is my role in this situation? Am I the most appropriate person to support the person in this role? Am I a coach, a mentor, a champion? An interpreter, a facilitator?

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