Transition Steinbach Bruce Duggan Director

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Presentation on theme: "Transition Steinbach Bruce Duggan Director"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition Steinbach Bruce Duggan Director

2 faith capitalismenvironmentalism ideas goals

3 serve God goals (internal) institutions make a profitlive sustainably

4 churches businesses & business organizations institutions (external) environmental groups

5 faith capitalismenvironmentalism

6 1.environmental stewardship at Providence 2.50by30 opportunities in Steinbach 4.action & advocacy

7 Christian small rural PROVIDENCE?

8 weve started to walk the walk 1.carpools 2.recycle 3.retrofit windows & insulation garden 5.replace boilers 6.geothermal 7.wind research green to date

9 5.replace boilers natural gas low-efficiency high-efficiency $130k spent to date

10 green to date 6.geothermal Reimer SLC opened in 2009 $5 million $500,000 for geothermal fundraised from non-government sources ~25,000 sq ft 10% of total campus building footprint

11 green to date 7.wind research wind study environmental study

12 1.carpools 2.recycle 3.retrofit garden 5.replace boilers 6.geothermal 7.wind research green to date

13 1.carpools 2.recycle 3.retrofit garden 5.replace boilers 6.geothermal 7.wind research 8.biomass heating green now GOAL: replace ~2/3s of our natural gas use

14 8.biomass residues forestry agriculture industry sewage organic garbage

15 8.biomass residues forestry agriculture densification

16 distributed natural gas biomass heating heats more than 1 building natural gas biomass


18 green now Providences renewable energy formula: electricity + geothermal + biomass = #2 campus in Canada #1: University of Northern British Columbia

19 green 1.carpools 2.recycle 3.retrofit garden 5.replace boilers 6.geothermal 7.wind 8.biomass 9.rural transit 10.composting futurenow researchpower

20 green future 1.carpools 2.recycle 3.retrofit garden 5.replace boilers 6.geothermal 7.wind power 8.biomass 9.rural transit 10.composting replication in other institutions industry infrastructure cattails

21 green future 1.carpools 2.recycle 3.retrofit garden 5.replace boilers 6.geothermal 7.wind power 8.biomass 9.rural transit 10.composting

22 green future Steinbach Saint Malo St-Pierre-Jolys Providence/ Otterburne Tourond Ille des Chenes Niverville St Vital Centre St Boniface College St Boniface Hospital UofM New Bothwell Landmark Lorette Ste Anne Ste Agathe Saint Adolphe St Germain Glenlea Grande Pointe Deacons Corner 1.carpools 2.recycle 3.retrofit garden 5.replace boilers 6.geothermal 7.wind power 8.biomass 9.rural transit 10.composting

23 green PROVIDENCE 1.carpools 2.recycle 3.retrofit garden 5.replace boilers 6.geothermal 7.wind power 8.biomass 9.rural transit 10.composting on our horizon o curriculum development o policy advocacy o solar power o local food o orchard revival o roof-top garden o campus design o communal bikes o re-use-it o zero-fossil dorms Warren Wilson College Eco-Dorm Swannanoa, North Carolina

24 for Providence The earth is the Lords Psalm 24 were accountable and so were making a start Why?

25 Everyone will have their own reasons for sustainability. individuals institutions societies differing motivations are good can still join in shared actions Why?

26 To increase Manitobas renewable energy use to 50% (from the present 30%) by 2030 without increasing global GHGs. goal:

27 a vision for Manitoba by 2030 we can lead in hydro geothermal biomass solar wind efficiency programs demand-reduction programs E D enewables R Why 50 by 30? fficiency emand

28 Why 50 by 30? a vision for Manitoba by 2030 we can be a net exporter of energy almost all of it green be a leading exporter of equipment consultation, design & management expertise develop a new, rurally-focused industry solidify a brand for Manitoba

29 spend more of our money here reduce our greenhouse gases grow our green industries Why 50 by 30?

30 How 50 by 30? Can we do this? examples Vermont North Dakota er-north-dakota-commission-information/ 25x25 Germany m/48295.php

31 How 50 by 30? Where will we get the money? WERE ALREADY SPENDING THE MONEY $1b natural gas $4b gasoline & diesel IN MANITOBA, RENEWABLE ENERGY IS LOCAL ENERGY electricity electric heat industrial natural gas gasoline & diesel

32 coal oil natural gas hydro wind biomass solar geothermal oil 19902009 229 PJ 262 PJ To date energy sources

33 199020302009 229 PJ 262 PJ ~316 PJ coal oil natural gas hydro wind biomass solar geothermal If current trends continue energy sources

34 coal oil natural gas hydro wind biomass solar geothermal hydro wind biomass solar geothermal natural gas refined oil products (gas & diesel) coal, propane & derivatives 199020302009 229 PJ 262 PJ ~316 PJ A Green Plan energy sources

35 A Green Plan every plan needs 3 areas of areas of focus Heating & Cooling Transportation Electricity How 50 by 30?

36 A Green Plan every plan needs 3 areas of types of action 1.increaseRenewables 2.increaseEfficiency 3.reduceDemand How 50 by 30?

37 A Green Plan increase renewables increase efficiency reduce demand Heating& Cooling Transportation Electricity D ER

38 1.environmental stewardship at Providence 2.50by30 opportunities in Steinbach 4.action & advocacy

39 Where? home school church employer municipality How? respond to TomorrowNow TomorrowNow share info with francophone municipalities lever with provincial & MB Hydro incentives propose a Green PlanGreen Plan specifics Action & Advocacy

40 A Green Plan increase renewables increase efficiency reduce demand Heating& Cooling Transportation Electricity D ER

41 increase renewables increase efficiency reduce demand Heating& Cooling Transportation Electricity D ER -geothermalgeothermal -biomassbiomass -on-meter financingon-meter financing -BUILDBUILD -car-sharecar-share -biking infrastructurebiking infrastructure -LED streetlightsLED streetlights -municipal compostingmunicipal composting -municipal methane capturemunicipal methane capture -recharge stationsrecharge stations -rural transitrural transit A Green Plan for Steinbach (a very rough 1 st draft) -wind farm studywind farm study

42 Thoughts? Transition Steinbach Bruce Duggan Director


44 energy use To date PJ: petajoule 19902009 229 PJ 262 PJ

45 fossil fuels renewables 19902009 229 PJ 262 PJ energy sources To date

46 coal oil natural gas hydro wind biomass solar geothermal oil 19902009 229 PJ 262 PJ To date energy sources

47 To date energy sources

48 19902009 11.3 MtCO 2 e To date 10.6 MtCO 2 e MtCO 2 e: Megatonnes of CO 2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions

49 19902009 11.3 MtCO 2 e If current trends continue 10.6 MtCO 2 e MtCO 2 e: Megatonnes of CO 2 equivalent 2030 ~13 MtCO 2 e greenhouse gas emissions

50 fossil fuels renewables 199020302009 229 PJ 262 PJ ~316 PJ If current trends continue energy sources

51 coal oil natural gas hydro wind biomass solar geothermal 199020302009 229 PJ 262 PJ ~316 PJ If current trends continue energy sources

52 199020302009 229 PJ 262 PJ ~316 PJ coal oil natural gas hydro wind biomass solar geothermal If current trends continue energy sources

53 coal oil natural gas hydro wind biomass solar geothermal 199020302009 229 PJ 262 PJ ~316 PJ If current trends continue energy sources

54 199020302009 229 PJ 262 PJ ~316 PJ ~304 PJ A Green Plan energy sources

55 199020302009 229 PJ 262 PJ ~316 PJ 50% fossil fuels 50% renewables A Green Plan energy sources

56 coal oil natural gas hydro wind biomass solar geothermal hydro wind biomass solar geothermal natural gas refined oil products (gas & diesel) coal, propane & derivatives 199020302009 229 PJ 262 PJ ~316 PJ A Green Plan energy sources

57 19902009 11.3 MtCO 2 e greenhouse gas emissions If current trends continue 10.6 MtCO 2 e MtCO 2 e: Megatonnes of CO 2 equivalent 2030 ~13 MtCO 2 e

58 19902009 11.3 MtCO 2 e greenhouse gas emissions A Green Plan 10.6 MtCO 2 e 2030 ~13 MtCO 2 e ~ 10 MtCO 2 e MtCO 2 e: Megatonnes of CO 2 equivalent

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