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World War I; Wilson, War and Peace

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1 World War I; Wilson, War and Peace
Inna Kozhokar, Tanner Litts, Brandon Montano, Catlin Kauffman, Caden Martin, Justine Mercier

2 How did America give the Allies the edge?
To European leaders, the U.S. was the great unknown. Ethnic divisions in America raised questions about how committed American troops would be during the War. People doubted that the U.S. could raise, train, equip, and transport an army fast enough to influence the outcome of the War. German military leaders renewed unrestricted submarine warfare, hoping to end it before the Americans could make a difference.

3 When did Americans join the War?
General John J. Pershing, the commander of American forces, arrived in France in June with a small American force.

4 How did Americans distinguish themselves in War?
They fought on the defensive along with the French at the Second Battle of the Marne and on the offensive at the Battle of Cantigny, where they dislodged a large German force from fortified positions against amazing odds. The Americans learned quickly, fought bravely, followed orders, and made great sacrifices. Their troops were far more racially and ethnically diverse than those of any of the other World Powers. They won awards like the Croix de Guerre, and they had several war heroes among their ranks that won Congressional Medals of Honor or had just done incredible deeds without proper recognition.

5 How did the War end? World War I ended at 11 am on November 11th, 1918. Germany signed an armistice (an agreement for peace and no more fighting).

6 How did Wilson promote peace?
After the end of World War I, President Wilson tried to promote his peace plan in the U.S. through direct appeals. The President's plan for the future, outlined in the “Fourteen Points” (January 1918) and augmented by later pronouncements, envisioned restoration of a stable, equitable, and enduring international balance through a new collective security organization, the League of Nations, based on a consensus of the great powers. Due in large part to Wilson's vision, the United States had changed course from isolation toward engagement.

7 What is Self-Determination?
The right of people to choose their own form of government.

8 What Is The League of Nations?
League of Nations was to secure "mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike."  Main purpose was to enforce the Treaty of Versailles.

9 Payments for war damages.
What are Reparations? Payments for war damages.          

10 Why did the Allied Leaders reject Wilson's ideas?
The leaders did not like Wilison's " peace without victory" they want revenge for what Germany did to France. That's why they rejected.

11 What were the problems with Peace?
Communism was hated because it was against religion. It was dangerous because they were running out of time, they needed to sign the peace treaty quickly to prevent communism from spreading. The flu epidemic was also a huge danger, the people were unhealthy because of the war.

12 Did the U.S join the League of Nations?
The U.S. never joined the League of Nations as after a vote, the American public refused to join leading to the League's downfall. 

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