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School priorities 2018-2019 September 2018.

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1 School priorities September 2018

2 What is the School Improvement Plan?
Our School Improvement Plan is a summary of the school’s priorities for the coming year and details the action we will be taking to ensure that Farr High School continues our drive towards excellence The priorities are chosen based on a number of factors: Highland Council directive Feedback from the QIO Feedback from pupils, parents and staff Insight data analysis Exam result analysis

3 Some areas that we have made significant progress in over the last couple of years include:
 Pupil Ethos Questionnaire Positive 2014/15 Positive 2015/16 Positive 2016/17 Positive 2017/18 1 The school is helping me to become more confident. 59% 63% 61% 68% 2 I have a say in making the way we learn in school better. 37% 35% 38% 58% 3 The pupil council is good at getting improvements made in the school. 31% 32% 64%  Parent Ethos Questionnaire % positive 14/15 % positive 15/16 % positive 16/17 % positive 17/18 1 The school keeps me well informed about my child’s progress. 88 89 91 97 2 My child benefits from school clubs and activities provided outside the classroom. 60 67 77 3 Overall, I am happy with the school. 81

4 Some factors that have help us select this years priorities:
Learning and delivery of education questionnaire Positive 2014/15 Positive 2015/16 Positive 2016/17 Positive 2017/18 1 How often are your lessons interesting and enjoyable 47% 37% 51%  Pupils Ethos Questionnaire Positive 2014/15 Positive 2015/16 Positive 2016/17 Positive 2017/18 1 I enjoy learning at school. 84% 77% 71% 61% 2 The school encourages me to make healthy-food choices. 31% 41% 39% 36%

5 Improvement Priorities 2018-2019
Closing the Gap Analysis of data Barriers to learning Attainment in literacy and numeracy 3-18 Campus Pupil engagement Campus identity Family learning Healthy choices Digital literacy Monitoring, Tracking and Moderation Tracking pupil progress across the BGE Moderation Numeracy, literacy and Health and Wellbeing

6 Improvement Priorities 2018-2019
Monitoring, Tracking and Moderation Tracking pupil progress across the BGE Moderation Numeracy, literacy and Health and Wellbeing Share good practice between departments and other schools regarding tracking subject areas across the BGE. Consider whether to develop a common layout across departments for tracking across the BGE. Monitor the further development of departmental tracking systems. Consider how SEEMIS can be used in tracking. Evaluate how pupil progress is reported to parents. Identify who will lead LIT, NUM and HWB within the campus. Allocate roles and responsibilities for developing the tracking system for LIT, NUM and HWB. With primary colleagues, develop a system for tracking progress through LIT, NUM and HWB across the BGE. Populate tracking system with data for P1, P4 and S1 pupils for the session Support staff in opportunities to engage with moderation both individually and collaboratively. Staff to increase awareness of standards required for the achievement of a level. Participate in further moderation activities across the campus. Monitor the further development of departmental moderation activities.

7 Improvement Priorities 2018-2019
SMT will give feedback to staff regarding the LDE and ethos questionnaires. Develop a better understanding of self-evaluation activities across the campus. Promote the use of the GTCS toolkit as a means of self-evaluation. Support staff in the triangulation of planning, delivery and feedback Departmental improvement plans to incorporate self-evaluative in order to promote pupil engagement. Lesson observations will focus on pupil engagement. Review use of merit/rewards system. 3-18 Campus Pupil engagement Campus identity Family learning Healthy choices Digital literacy Engage with all campus partners to identify values and use these to create campus vision. Share campus vision and integrate into policies where appropriate. Foster opportunities to work together as a campus – eg whole school sports day. Ensure the websites for schools in the campus are linked and are updated regularly. Identify ways to publicise and share new logo Identify areas that families feel they need support with – pre-questionnaires/at Parents’ Evenings. Plan how best to meet these areas across the campus/review impact. Organise a family learning day (including information on assessments, e-safety, etc.) Consider how best to communicate with parents eg through better use of diaries, social media, website. Upgrade the canteen environment at FHS. Speak to pupils to gauge their ideas about healthy choices. Approach local businesses regarding sale of energy drinks. Consider whether we can incorporate healthy mile initiative in high school. Consider whether we can have day off-timetable with cross-curricular healthy lifestyle focus. Create shared policy about healthy eating. Review delivery of HWB through PD. Online audit of e-safety across the campus. Delivery of e-safety training to pupils, staff and parents across the campus. Introduce e-safety policy & create e-safety focus group for parent, pupils, staff and partners. Arrange for chromebook / clevertouch TV training across the campus. Continue promotion of google classrooms across the campus. Identify training for use of digital exam papers. Consider how to expand ICT beyond S1 and how all staff can contribute towards this.

8 Improvement Priorities 2018-2019
3-18 Campus Pupil engagement Campus identity Family learning SMT will give feedback to staff regarding the LDE and ethos questionnaires. Develop a better understanding of self-evaluation activities across the campus. Promote the use of the GTCS toolkit as a means of self-evaluation. Support staff in the triangulation of planning, delivery and feedback Departmental improvement plans to incorporate self-evaluative in order to promote pupil engagement. Lesson observations will focus on pupil engagement. Review use of merit/rewards system. Engage with all campus partners to identify values and use these to create the campus vision. Share campus vision and integrate into policies where appropriate. Foster opportunities to work together as a campus e.g. whole school sports day. Ensure the websites for schools in the campus are linked and updated regularly. Identify ways to publicise and share new logo Identify areas that families feel they need support with – pre-questionnaires/at Parents’ Evenings. Plan how best to meet these areas across the campus/review impact. Organise a family learning day (including information on assessments, e-safety, etc.) Consider how best to communicate with parents eg through better use of diaries, social media, website.

9 Improvement Priorities 2018-2019
3-18 Campus Healthy choices Digital literacy Upgrade the canteen environment at FHS. Speak to pupils to gauge their ideas about healthy choices. Approach local businesses regarding sale of energy drinks. Consider whether we can incorporate healthy mile initiative in high school. Consider whether we can have day off-timetable with cross-curricular healthy lifestyle focus. Create shared policy about healthy eating. Review delivery of HWB through PD. Online audit of e-safety across the campus. Delivery of e-safety training to pupils, staff and parents across the campus. Introduce e-safety policy & create e-safety focus group for parent, pupils, staff and partners. Arrange for chromebook / clevertouch TV training across the campus. Continue promotion of google classrooms across the campus. Identify training for use of digital exam papers. Consider how to expand ICT beyond S1 and how all staff can contribute towards this.

10 Improvement Priorities 2018-2019
Closing the gap Analysis of data Barriers to learning Attainment in literacy and numeracy Timetable sharing of data and other relevant information at key transition dates. Share all relevant baseline data with staff. Consider how best to ensure data is tracked across a child’s time at school. Arrange appropriate staff training for analysis of data, including Risk Matrix. Timetable opportunity for staff to analyse exam results. Timetable opportunity for staff to analyse INSIGHT data. Liaise with SDS to analyse data, identify and timetable meetings to support pupils. Restructure procedure for learning conversations and target setting. Carry out ethos and LDE questionnaires. Timetable opportunity for pupil council to discuss challenge and support. Consider national initiatives linked to learning. . Use of risk matrix to identify pupils at risk. Develop action plans for each pupil. Identify PEF funding priorities and complete PEF funding sheets. Continue rollout of SQA accredited courses, such as Playback ICE. Help pupils identify creativity/transferrable skills to enhance personal statements and applications. Consider whether to have “school shop” for supplies. Develop independent learning through google classroom. Create bank of resources for study leave – eg revision guides. Identify ways in which all pupils will achieve a qualification in literacy and numeracy in S4. Introduction of National 5 numeracy class for pupils unlikely to get National 5 Maths. Bridging lesson for pupils studying National 4 Maths to prepare them for National 5. Consider how best to have a cross-curricular approach to literacy and numeracy.

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