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Social Media Marketing as One of the Main Methods of Digital Marketing

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1 Social Media Marketing as One of the Main Methods of Digital Marketing
Nataliia Bazavluk, Ph D, associate professor, Poltava University of Economics and Trade Ukraine

2 Source:
As of 2018, there are billion people using social media on the planet, up 13 percent from 2017 to 2018. Source:

3 Percent of company sales through the Internet

4 Social media spending as percent of marketing budgets
Source: According to the latest CMO survey, social media advertising budgets are predicted to increase by 32 percent in 2018, and almost double by 2023.

5 Interesting Facts Seventy percent of people use social media daily in North America, but social media penetration is still at 42 percent globally. On average, people around the world spend two hours and 15 minutes every day on social media, which is one out of every three minutes spent online. In fact, people are spending more time on social than watching TV Fifteen minutes more, to be precise. On average, 50 percent of people use Facebook daily, while only 39 percent watch television. Social media advertising revenue is forecast at $51.3 billion USD for That’s $17.24 per user. Revenue is set to grow 10.5 percent annually.

6 The Different Types Of Social Media Platforms To Serve Ads
Social networking (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+). Microblogging (Twitter, Tumblr). Photo sharing (Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest). Video sharing (YouTube, Facebook Live, Periscope, Vimeo).

7 Monthly Users by Social Media Platforms

8 These are the best places to invest your ad money right now:
Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. Pinterest. LinkedIn. Snapchat.

9 Facebook When it comes to ecommerce, Facebook excels at lead generation. If you want addresses, Facebook is the place to go, with many advertisers reporting costs below $1 per lead. The most common model used is to run a Facebook ad directly into a high-converting landing page offering some variety of a free lead magnet or bundle product. Common examples of content for social media advertising campaigns include: Whitepapers; Ebooks; Product coupons; Sitewide discounts; Limited-time offers; Giveaways; Free shipping.


11 Instagram Instagram now boasts more than 500 million monthly active users and commands one of the highest audience engagement rates in social media, 58% higher than Facebook and 2000% higher than Twitter. Instagram is very image and video heavy. As such, sellers of products that are visually appealing or who are able to incorporate visual media into their campaigns tend to perform best on this social media channel. Unlike organic posts, Instagram ads can be made to link directly to a product page or other landing page, allowing for direct engagement with your products.


13 Twitter Twitter has revolutionized breaking news and provided unparalleled access for users to connect with both niche and mainstream influencers. With 328 million monthly active users, it remains one of the most popular social media platforms. Unlike Facebook, Twitter is still a viable network for organic engagement. Brands don’t need to pay in order to reach their followers, which enhances the platform’s value even when running paid ads. On average, Twitter users shop online 6.9x a month, while non-users shop online just 4.3x a month. And there’s particularly good news for smaller businesses: Twitter reports that 60% of users purchase from an SMB.


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