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VAPA Code of conduct.

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Presentation on theme: "VAPA Code of conduct."— Presentation transcript:

1 VAPA Code of conduct

2 Late Work Late work will be accepted up to the ten-week mark for the 1st semester only. No late work will be accepted during the second semester. VAPA teachers promote responsibility and believe that our students should meet all deadlines given for assignments and projects. Absent work will be accepted late for as many days they were absent.

3 Lockers Locker use is not allowed during class time.
Students are expected to visit their lockers during nutrition, lunch and passing periods.

4 Plagiarism Plagiarism is unacceptable.

5 Bathroom Pass Each student will be given three bathroom passes per semester to be recorded in Binder Reminder. We encourage students to use the restroom during passing period, nutrition and lunch, however bathroom passes can be used for emergency purposes.

6 Tardies Students need to be seated in assigned seat when the bell rings. Three or more tardies within a grading period is an automatic “U” in work habits on the following progress report card.

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