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Keeping it clean and organized.

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1 Keeping it clean and organized.
BINDER ORGANIZATION Keeping it clean and organized.

You will need your binder EVERY day of class. This is part of your participation mark. (10% each term).

3 RULE 2: NO tiny/small NOTEBOOKS.
You may write notes in a notebook, but they then must be torn out, hole-punched, and inserted into your binder.

4 RULE 3: USE YOUR PLANNER. This is good for keeping track of assignments, and when things are due so you won’t forget. We will use this to make sure you know what to do for homework, reading, assignments, and you can easily remember test dates, etc…

5 How to Organize YOU NEED 9 TABS: 1) General (Course Outline etc.) 2) WWI 3) Russian Revolution & USSR 4) Interwar USA & Fascism 5) WWII 6) The Cold War 7) Decolonization 8) The Civil Rights Movement 9) Fall of USSR

6 TAB #1: General To start, put your course outline and participation rubric in this tab. Throughout the semester, if you are unsure about where to put something, put it in this section.

7 TAB #2: WWI This is our first unit of study for the semester. All of your notes and any papers I give you must be properly inserted into this section of your binder. Use the rings please. If you choose not to, you will lose important things. When we move to the next unit (Early History of Canada), we will begin to use TAB #3.

8 Taking Notes/ Getting Handouts
1) ALWAYS: When you begin to write notes, or when you receive a new handout, you must write down: Your Name (example: John Zhou) Your Class # (example: 11D) The Date (example: “ ”, OR “Sept 4, 2017”) 2) Whenever you put a new paper in your binder, it goes behind the old papers. WHY? When you want to review your notes, study for quizzes, and so on, this organization system makes it very easy to find old notes. If I ask to see an old assignment again, it is also very easy to find the assignment.

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