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Y6 Information Afternoon/Evening

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1 Y6 Information Afternoon/Evening
SATS Presentation Y6 Information Afternoon/Evening Wednesday 27th February 2019

2 This year’s key stage 2 tests are timetabled from Monday 13th May to Thursday 16th May 2019.
Must mentioon the tree

3 Monday 13th May 2019 English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling Tuesday 14th May 2019 English reading Wednesday 15th May 2019 Mathematics Paper 1-arithmetic Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning Thursday 16th May 2019 Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning

4 The national standard will be 100.
Scaled Scores All test outcomes at both KS1 and KS2 will be reported as scaled scores. The national standard will be 100. Raw scores (the number of marks awarded for each subject) will be translated to scaled scores (a comparable score for each subject) using a conversion table. Pupils will receive a raw score, a scaled score and confirmation of attainment of the national standard. There is no correlation between previous levels and this method of reporting using a national standard e.g. level 2B Show scaled score conversion chart

5 The English Tests A Teacher Assessment of writing ability will be made in May/June 2019. The reading and SPAG tests have been in place and have remained a similar standard since 2016 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test 50 marks Spelling test 20 words Total 70 marks Reading 50 marks

6 The Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test:
There is a greater focus on knowing and applying grammatical terminology with the full range of punctuation tested. Technical terms in grammar will be tested. In the grammar test, two thirds of the marks will be for multiple choice questions. The remaining questions will require pupils to write a longer answer.

7 Circle all the determiners in the sentence below.
Two  apple  trees  screened  the  open  windows  on  one  side. 1 mark Rewrite the sentence below so that it is written in the passive voice. Remember to punctuate your answer correctly. The pouring rain drenched us. ___________________________________________________________________ 1 mark

8 Circle the correct form of the verb in each underlined pair of words.
One of my best friends comes / come from Kenya. In Kenya, more than 60 languages is / are spoken. The best opportunity to see Kenya’s animals is / are at the national parks. 1 mark KS2 SATS - May 2011

9 Spelling There are 20 spelling sentences.
The spelling words are tested within the context of a sentence. As the sentences are read out to the children, they fill in the correct spellings on their copy of the text.

10 Spelling The spellings get increasingly more difficult.
Some words from 5-6 word list Others containing rules the children are expected to know. E.g prefixes, suffixes, silent letters. KS2 SATS - May 2011

11 Reading Test The Reading Test
For this test there will be one reading book and one answer booklet. The test will last for one hour (including reading time). There will be a total of 50 marks available. There will be a range of texts which may include fiction, non fiction and poetry. Marks will be awarded as follows: Multiple choice or other selected responses: 10% - 30% Short responses: 40% - 60% Extended responses: 20% - 40%

12 Reading Some questions will test the children on their understanding of vocabulary.

13 Others will require the children to deduce and infer answers by using words or phrases as evidence.
We have practiced this and the children know how to answer these important 3 mark questions.

14 Some questions will ask the children to find literal answers from the texts.

15 Writing Teacher assessment from cross-curricular writing samples taken through the year. National ITAF used to make final judgement. Moderators may visit school in May/June 2019 to check these assessments. Must be able to spell the Year 3 and 4 word list. Must be able to spell the Year 5 and 6 word list. Must be using a full range of punctuation mostly correctly. Must be able to write for a range of purposes an audiences. Must include a complete short story. Greater expectation for ‘Greater Depth Standard’ Show ITAF KS2 SATS - May 2011

16 Maths Tests There will be three papers: 1 arithmetic paper and 2 mathematical reasoning papers. There will not be a mental maths paper instead a written arithmetic test has been introduced to assess fluency with numbers and basic mathematical calculations, with a focus on working efficiently at speed. Questions in the arithmetic test will cover: ability to work fluently with numbers straightforward addition and subtraction more complex calculations with fractions long division and long multiplication

17 Maths Tests Arithmetic Test
There will be 36 questions in the arithmetic test and there will be 40 marks available most of which will be worth one mark. The test will last 30 minutes. Mathematical Reasoning Papers There will be two mathematical reasoning papers. Each paper will be of 40 minutes duration with a total of 35 marks per paper available.

18 Questions taken from Paper 1 - Arithmetic

19 Questions taken from Paper 2 - Reasoning

20 A question taken from Paper 3 - Reasoning

21 How to help your child Ensure your child has the best possible attendance. Encourage them to speak to us about any difficulties with class work or homework. It is essential to keep reading regularly and to have opportunities to answer questions about reading. Support the children with learning the Year 3,4,5,6 spellings. They will not be at age expectation in writing if they cannot spell these within their writing – this is more for their writing assessment. Little and often.

22 Other key Year 6 dates Tues 4th and 5th July –YEAR 6 PERFORMANCES (7PM) Wednesday 17th July – YEAR 6 LEAVERS PARTY Friday 19th July – LEAVERS ASSESMBLY (9.15AM)

23 Questions KS2 SATS - May 2011

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