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Marriage Preparation the Foundation of Marriage!

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Presentation on theme: "Marriage Preparation the Foundation of Marriage!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marriage Preparation the Foundation of Marriage!
Title Page / Day 6 1

2 Objective: Explain and give examples of the important vocabulary words and topics during the unit test.

3 Daily thought: It's not the differences we have in marriage - everyone has them - it's how we handle them. - Anonymous

ADULT RESPONSIBILITIES MARRIAGE PREPARATION REVIEW 1. Single living refers to ______________________________. 2. Single people can lead ______ and _______________ lives. 3. Living on your own before marriage helps develop ________. 4. List several positive aspects of single living: 5. List several negative aspects of single living: 6. For centuries mate selection was based upon: The explain and give examples of theory of Propinquity. 8. The describe the Complementary – needs Theory and 9. The Homogenous theory is: 10. Biological Filters are: 11. Psychological Filters would be: 12. The theory of finding your One and Only partner is a Fal _ _. 13. Your personal values influence your mate selection by:

5 14. When looking for a mate, important characteristics include: 15
14. When looking for a mate, important characteristics include: 15. Marry someone within your own religion is important if you are both _____________ You attract what you _________, not what you ___________ Why is it important to define roles? 18. Some important topics to discuss with prospective mate include: 19. Both partners should fill the _________ about having children and them attending church The desire and interest in being a ______ is a vital topic to discuss prior to _____ Conflict resolution is another topic that should be ___ prior to marriage Give some reason why couples should discuss financial goals prior to marriage What is the function and purpose of the engagement period? 24. What is meant by “mate selection insurance”? 25. If you and your future spouse find that you are disagreeing a lot during the engagement you should? 26. What are some potential marital risks?

6 Notebook check: Cover sheet Thoughts

7 Remind Students of due date for term project!!

8 Unit Summary: We do not live in isolation. From the first moments of life we are utterly dependent upon others to care for us and meet our emotional needs. Throughout our lifetime the quality of our existence will be significantly influenced by the types of relationships we experience. As human beings we need and seek out connections that are meaningful, first within our immediate family and later in our outside relationships. Understanding the important aspects of positive relationships will help us develop successful connections as adults.

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