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Presentation on theme: "ARPS FARM TO SCHOOL INITIAL FRAMEWORK 12/5/18 Holcomb/Palmer."— Presentation transcript:


VISION MISSION STRATEGIC IMPERATIVES (clearly defined outcomes to measure success) Stronger, healthier and more inter-connected community (WHERE we to be) Rebuilding healthy food system by creating connection between classroom, cafeteria and community (HOW we will get to where we want to be) Encompass all walks of life Accessible and equal to ALL Culturally relevant Be sustainable

3 Rebuilding healthy food system by creating connection between classroom, cafeteria and community
The goal is to enrich children's bodies and minds while supporting local economies, bringing food into school cafeterias and creating hands-on learning activities through school gardens, farm visits, culinary classes, and integration of food related education into the regular classroom curriculum Encompass all walks of life Accessible and equal to ALL Culturally relevant Be sustainable

4 Rebuilding healthy food system by creating connection between classroom, cafeteria and community
We believe that through growing, harvesting, and preparing nutritious foods, children gain confidence, develop critical thinking skills, feel a sense of power over their own health, and can impact family purchasing, cooking, and eating patterns Encompass all walks of life Accessible and equal to ALL Culturally relevant Be sustainable

5 Rebuilding healthy food system by creating connection between classroom, cafeteria and community
Encompass all walks of life Accessible and equal to ALL Culturally relevant Be sustainable

6 focusing on experiential classroom, garden and farm-based learning.
Rebuild healthy food system by creating connection between classroom, cafeteria and community focusing on experiential classroom, garden and farm-based learning.   Encompass all walks of life Accessible and equal to ALL Culturally relevant Be sustainable

7 Rebuild healthy food system by creating connection between classroom, cafeteria and community
focusing on local procurement, reducing waste, increasing program revenue, maximizing operational efficiencies, and informal education leading to a sustainable business model. Encompass all walks of life Accessible and equal to ALL Culturally relevant Be sustainable

8 Rebuild healthy food system by creating connection between classroom, cafeteria and community
focusing on creating a stronger link among ARPS, the larger community and local food.   A few examples include: Identifying regional producers that can supply more local and culturally appropriate foods for menus; recipe development; expanding the current catering offerings;  and community dinner menus reflective of the diversity of community. Encompass all walks of life Accessible and equal to ALL Culturally relevant Be sustainable

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