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Presentation on theme: "MEASURING CAREER READINESS"— Presentation transcript:

PRESENTATION TO RESEARCH CAFÉ, UNIVERSITY OF DERBY MEASURING CAREER READINESS How can we decide whether school based careers interventions are having an impact? Tristram Hooley, Professor of Career Education, University of Derby

2 Gatsby – Good Career Guidance
A stable careers programme Learning from career and labour market information Addressing the needs of each pupil Linking curriculum learning to careers Encounters with employers and employees Experiences of workplaces Encounters with further and higher education Personal guidance

3 Evaluating the pilot Changes in school practice
Changes in pupil outcomes Career readiness Secondary data analysis (attendance, attainment and progression) Changes in stakeholder perceptions

4 Measuring career readiness
1. Defining the approach Literature Selecting a starting point 2. Item generation Mapping items onto the Gatsby benchmarks Mapping items onto outcome based frameworks of career education 3. Translation and contextualisation Research group review Subject expert review 4. Scaling 5. Cognitive testing 6. Collection of pilot data (year 1) 7. Construct development (principle components analysis) and theorisation 8. Statistical validation (comfirmatory factor analysis) 9. Validation against construct relevant tools (year 2)

5 Draft instrument Part A – Demographics
e.g. Gender? Part B – Your experience of career education and guidance E.g. My school has a careers programme (Agree/Disagree) Part C – How ready are you for your career? E.g. I can assess my strengths and weaknesses (I don’t agree, I slightly agree, I somewhat agree, I mostly agree, I completely agree or I don’t know)

6 References Gatsby Charitable Trust. (2014). Good Career Guidance. London: Gatsby.

7 Conclusions We have a strand of research which is seeking to examine the impacts of careers practice using a mixed-methods approach. The construction of standardised instruments potentially offers the opportunity for more robust findings. We have taken an iterative approach to instrument development. We would welcome feedback on our developing approach.

8 Tristram Hooley Professor of Career Education
International Centre for Guidance Studies University of Derby @pigironjoe Blog at


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