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Ch 9.1 – What domestic policy steps did the leaders of the new Republic take to make the government work? Paintings of George Washington’s presidential.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 9.1 – What domestic policy steps did the leaders of the new Republic take to make the government work? Paintings of George Washington’s presidential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 9.1 – What domestic policy steps did the leaders of the new Republic take to make the government work? Paintings of George Washington’s presidential inauguration April 30, 1789 in New York City

2 A. George Washington – President #1
I do solemnly swear That I will faithfully execute The Office Of President of the United States, And will, to the best of my ability, Preserve, protect, and defend The Constitution of the United States. 1) Elected in 1789 2) Inaugurated in April in New York City 3) Experience: Was commander-in-chief of Continental Army during American Rev. ( ) President of Constitutional Convention ( )

3 B. G-Wash’s Precedents 1) Established a Cabinet
Only 2 terms, baby! 1) Established a Cabinet Experts that gave advice and helped their departments enforce the nation’s laws 2) Supported neutrality The US should remain independent from disputes between other nations. 3) Served only 2 terms as president (8 yrs.) No limit until 22nd Amendment (1951)

4 Judiciary Act-p. 279 4) 1789 law that created the structure of the Supreme Court and set up a system of district courts and circuit courts for the nation.

5 What can you determine about the financial shape of the U. S

6 C. Domestic Policy During G-Wash’s Presidency - Part 1
1) Build a national economy ($$$) A. Hamilton – Secretary of Treasury What nation wanted (Effect) Federal govt pays off debts of states from the American Revolution How to get it (Cause) Whiskey Tax Protective tariff Set up a national bank

7 D. GW’s Domestic Policy - Part 2
Supporters of Financial Plan (Yes!) A. Hamilton, J. Adams Supporters were northern businessmen and merchants Thought a strong bank led by the federal gov’t was necessary for the US Called their supporters “Federalists” 2. Opponents of Financial Plan (No!) T. Jefferson, James Madison Feared the plan would only help wealthy citizens Feared the plan would hurt southern and western farmers and tradesmen Feared the federal gov’t would become too powerful Called their supporters “Democratic-Republicans”

8 E. GW’s Domestic Policy – Part 3
Tax on whiskey (liquor) added to raise money It upset corn farmers who made whiskey Farmers in PA rebelled like in Shays’ Rebellion Washington sends federal troops to end it This showed that the Executive could enforce the law Lesson! ) The Whiskey Rebellion showed that the federal government worked while following the law of the Constitution.

9 Ch 9.2 – What foreign policy steps did the leaders of the new Republic take to protect national security?

10 A. G-Wash’s Foreign Policy Part 1
1) In 1789, a revolution broke out in France Citizens wanted to overthrow an unfair king 2) Two Different American political ideas about the French Revolution: Dem.-Reps. = American constitutional principles were spreading and popular (They supported it!) T. Jefferson really supported the Fr. Rev.! Federalists = Violence was evidence of the dangers of “mob rule” (They rejected it as chaos!) 3) In 1793, French rebels asked for help as they entered a war with England (Britain)

11 B. G-Wash’s Foreign Policy Part 2
1) In response, GW announced the Neutrality Proclamation in 1793. America would not take sides during a war between Britain and France. Bye, y’all! 2) Washington’s Farewell Address 1796 (and Advice) Domestic – avoid political parties They disrupt political unity Foreign – avoid military alliances with other countries Foreign trade is important

12 C. The Impact of G-Wash’s Advice
1) It set American foreign policy on an independent course away from European conflict GW’s Advice (Cause) Avoid foreign military alliances with European nations US Foreign Policy (Effect) US stayed away from European issues and focused on the western hemisphere for next 120 years

13 Problems of Neutrality
Chapter 9, Section 2 European nations at war (Britain & France). US traded with both Britain & France. France didn’t want us to trade with Britain. Britain didn’t want us trading with France. Both countries began capturing US merchant ships. (Act of war)

14 Problems of Neutrality
John Jay negotiated a treaty with Great Britain. Jay’s Treaty said: Britain had to pay damages for seized American ships. Britain agreed to give up its forts in the West. Americans had to pay debts owed to British merchants. Many Americans protested Jay’s Treaty because it did nothing to protect the rights of neutral American ships.

15 Ch 9.3 – How did political parties get started?
JEFFERSON HAMILTON Ch 9.3 – How did political parties get started?

16 B. How did the first 2 parties develop?
1. In the 1790’s T. Jefferson and J. Madison disagreed with the way Alexander Hamilton was running the nation’s economy. 2. T. Jeff. and J. Mad. formed a party called the “Democratic-Republicans.” 3. Alexander Hamilton formed a party called the “Federalists.”

17 was the first election contested between political parties - John Adams (F) vs. Thomas Jefferson (DR) Who Won more states? Where was JA popular? Where was TJ popular? 5. John Adams (F) won and became the 2nd president.

18 CH 9.4 - What lessons can be learned from the second presidency?
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

19 A. Crisis with France in 1796! Cause Effect
1. France did not like US foreign policy towards Britain and believed the two were military allies 2. France…. 3. France demanded bribes to avoid war with America. 4. Adams…. 5. The “bribe” became a political scandal called the XYZ Affair. 6. Federalists….

20 B. Adams and States’ Rights
Cause Effect 1. Citizens who supported France began to speak out against President Adams & the Federalists – Congress… 3. T. Jeff and the Dem-Republicans claimed this violated peoples basic rights 4. T. Jeff….. 5. States passed the VA and KY Resolutions, eliminating the Alien and Sedition Acts. 6. Adams became very unpopular & T. Jeff. defeated him in the 1800 presidential election

21 NEED TO KNOW 1. What were the actions of President George Washington 2
NEED TO KNOW 1. What were the actions of President George Washington 2. Hamilton’s Plan 3. Why did Pennsylvania farmer rebel 4. What country did the United States avoid war with because of Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation 5. What was the result of Jay’s Treaty 6. What idea’s did Thomas Jefferson support 7. Why were the election results of 1796 unexpected 8. What do we call a foreign born resident and subject of another country 9. Why did the Federalist party split in two 10. Put the following events in order: Alien and Sedition Act, Congress approves Jay’s Treaty, Washington becomes president, first political parties are formed

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