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Cognitive Factors in Motivation

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Presentation on theme: "Cognitive Factors in Motivation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cognitive Factors in Motivation
Expectations Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation Locus of Control Explanatory behaviors Learned Helplessness

2 1) Power of Expectations
How do expectations of myself and other impact my motivation to achieve a goal? Reading: “What you expect is what you get” How can you apply scientific findings to your own experience? What are the main ideas in psychological research?

3 2) Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation
Read handout—annotate "Practice“ 10,000 hours excerpt Intrinsic Internal Motivated by personal rewards Extrinsic Motivated by external factors i.e., grades, trophies, recognition, titles, etc…

4 3) Locus of Control: ANSIE
Internal Sense of personal action Have the capacity to influence events External Sense of helplessness Good things are not tied to behavior Pawns of fate Believe in ability to influence events

5 a. Explanatory Behaviors
ASQ Scale Global/Specific Stable/Unstable Internal/External

6 b. Learned Helplessness
40 Study—Seligman

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