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Causes of World War I Nationalism Imperialism Militarism System of Alliances M.A.I.N. 3 “isms” and one other…

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3 Causes of World War I Nationalism Imperialism Militarism
System of Alliances M.A.I.N. 3 “isms” and one other…

4 Nationalism Ethnic Group Belonging to or identifying with the cultural, racial, religious, or linguistic traditions of a people or country Acts as both a unifying and disruptive force. Helped nations such as Italy and Germany to form (1861, 1871). Caused ethnic groups in other countries to seek independence. The “Romanticism” of war…



7 Imperialism Competition for colonies – particularly in Africa and Asia. Shrinking availability of ‘new’ lands = potential CONFLICT! Empire = World Power

8 Militarism What is an army? What is a navy?
Give three reasons why a country might have a large army. Give three reasons why a country might have a large navy (try to think of some that are different than #3).

9 Top Ten List 10) Egypt 468,500 9) Iran 545,000 8) South Korea 630,000
7) Pakistan 643,800 6) Turkey 662,719 5) Russia 845,000 4) North Korea 1,190,000 3) India 1,325,450 2) U.S.A. 1,361,755 1) China 2,285,000

10 Militarism Germany, France, and Russia have huge peacetime armies.
Great Britain is the dominant naval power in Europe. Germany is a rising naval power. Results in an “arms race”. Top Five list – largest armies in the world. Make connection between Germany and France in 1914 and North and South Korea / India and Pakistan today…

11 Alliance A formal agreement or treaty between two or more nations in which they cooperate to advance common interests or causes. Cooperate for specific purposes. MUTUAL BENEFIT To become “allies”. Why?

12 Alliances Countries seek to strengthen their position by forming alliances with other nations – Reasons? What’s the fear? Emergence of a “Balance of Power”

13 “Balance of Power” Russia Austria-Hungary Great Britain Italy France

14 Additional Alliances…
Great Britain was allied with Belgium. Russia was allied with Serbia.

15 By the summer of 1914, Europe is a bomb waiting to go off.

16 The Ballad of Peace and War – Wilfred Owen
Oh meet it is and passing sweet To live at peace with others, But sweeter still and far more meet To die in war for brothers. The soil is safe, for widow and waif, And for the soul of England, Because heir bodies men vouchsafe To save the soul of England.

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