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Months of the year.

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Presentation on theme: "Months of the year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Months of the year

2 January Season: Winter Holidays: New Year’s Day January 1st
Martin Luther King Jr. Day 31 days Weather: sleet, snow, ice, cold

3 February Season Winter
Holidays: Valentines Day 14th , Ground Hog Day, and Presidents Day 28 days unless it is a leap year then it has 29 days Weather: cold, snow, sleet, ice

4 March Season: Winter and Spring Holidays: St. Patrick’s Day 17th
Sometimes Easter falls in March First day of spring 20th 31 days Weather: chilly, rain , maybe snow and ice

5 April Season: Spring Earth Day 22nd Sometimes Easter is in April
30 days Weather: chilly, rain, warm, sunny

6 May Season : Spring Holidays: Mothers Day (the first Sunday in May) and Memorial Day 30th 31 Days Weather: chilly, warm, rainy, sun

7 June Season: Spring and Summer Summer begins on June 21st
June 14th is Flag day June 19th is Father’s Day June has 30 days Weather: warm to hot, rain, sunny

8 July Season: Summer Holidays: 4th of July It has 31 days
The weather is hot

9 August Season: Summer It has 31 days in it Weather is hot
School starts back

10 September Season: Summer and Fall Fall begins on September 23rd
Holidays: Labor day It has 30 days Weather: warm to cool

11 October Season: Fall Weather: cool, chilly It has 31 days
Holidays: Halloween and Columbus Day

12 November Season: Fall It has 30 days
Holidays: Veterans day and Thanksgiving Weather: Chilly, cold, nippy

13 December Season: Fall and Winter Winter begins December 21st
Weather: cold, snowy, chilly, rainy Holidays: Christmas, New Years Eve, Hanukkah

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