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RiderCoach Roles In Student Development

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2 RiderCoach Roles In Student Development
Don Green, RiderChoices Consulting We are on a journey together - Each in our own way…

3 Goal Explore the Role of
RiderCoaches in Student Development to Improve Learning Outcomes

4 Discuss in Teams the topics from the slides: This is a participant led discussion
- provide positive input for consideration - read the slides - share your answers with others…..

5 Time for a group picture!
First things first, Time for a group picture!

6 Find a new table! Find a group who has the same picture card as you and all sit at the same table… Introduce yourselves within your team… Discuss and determine creative titles for your picture cards… give the ready sign when complete


8 As a Team discuss the following: What is the definition of RiderCoach Purpose in relation to students… (Give the ready sign when complete and select a spokesperson to share with all teams) 5 Minutes……

9 Each spokesperson share with all teams their definition…..

10 As a Team discuss the following: How do RiderCoaches engage and empower students and why is it important….. (Give the ready sign when complete and select a spokesperson to share with all teams) 5 Minutes……

11 SFTU Each spokesperson share with all teams their thoughts…..

12 As a Team discuss the following: What does a RiderCoach “Owe” and what can we expect from the students? (Give the ready sign when complete and select a spokesperson to share with all teams) 5 Minutes……

13 Each spokesperson share with all teams their ideas…..

14 As a Team discuss the following: How do RiderCoaches help students the most, given the range of student levels? (Give the ready sign when complete and select a spokesperson to share with all teams) 5 Minutes……

15 Judgement Each spokesperson share with all teams their thoughts…..

16 As a Team discuss the following: How can RiderCoaches do more to fulfill their roles in student development? (Give the ready sign when complete and select a spokesperson to share with all teams) 5 Minutes……

17 Each spokesperson share with all teams their thoughts…..

18 Goal Explore the Role of
RiderCoaches in Student Development to Improve Learning Outcomes What will you take home and use?

19 (Ask for a business card if you desire)
Contact Information (Ask for a business card if you desire) IRETS slides

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