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Unit 6 Nationalist Period.

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1 Unit 6 Nationalist Period

2 Nationalism Day 1

3 New American Cultu re Alex de Tocqueville Hudson River School
Democracy in America Energy of Americans Hudson River School Painted American landscapes Noah Webster American dictionary and languag e



6 John Marshall SC Chief Justice Examples:
Strengthened courts and govern Examples: Gibbons v. Ogden Fed gov’t can regulate interstate tr McCulloch v. Maryland State cannot tax the National Bank Sided with Federal Government ment ade

7 American System Proposed by Henry Clay Called for:
Transportation (Internal Improve Tariffs Tariff of 1816 National Bank 2nd National Bank Selling of public lands ments)

8 Era of Good Feelings Time Period of James Monroe’s Presidency
National Goals First! Party politics not involved Sec. of State Path to presidency

9 Nationalism Day 2

10 Adams – Onis Treaty Secretary of State – John Quincy Adams
US acquired Florida

11 Monroe Doctrine James Monroe’s statement on foreign policy
Stated that the Western Hemisphere was not open to European colonization and in return the US would not involve itself in European Affairs

12 Missouri Compromise 1818 1819 1820 Illinois admitted as a free state
11 Free – 10 Slave 1819 Missouri applied to admission South wanted Missouri to be slave for balance During negotiations Alabama was admitted as Slave 11 Free – 11 Slave 1820 Compromise! Henry Clay proposed that Missouri enter as slave and Maine as free Established line of 36 30’ as slave line across US



15 Jackson's Presidency Day 1

16 Jackson’s Path to the President
Old Hickory Election of 1824 Jackson won the popular election but not the electoral college Quincy Adams and Clay also running Corrupt Bargain Clay swung election to Quincy They agreed on American System Clay and Jackson were western rivals Clay was named Sec. of State

17 Cont… Election of 1828 Most states eliminated property requirements for voting Jackson won election Rise of Common Man Spoils System Kitchen Cabinet

18 Indian Removal Ac t Assimilation Indian Removal Act of 1830
Jackson disagreed Indian Removal Act of 1830 Set out to remove Indians from all eastern lands Worchester v. Georgia Marshall sided with Cherokee Jackson refused to enforce Trail of Tears resulted

19 Jackson's Presidency Day 2

20 National Bank National Bank’s Charter was up to be ren ewed
Jackson vetoed bill to renew charter Why? Said bank hurt farmers, poor, and limited state banks Bank’s Reaction Nicholas Biddle attempted to pressure Jackson using the people Jackson’s Solution Put government deposits in pet banks Killed national bank ewed

21 Cont… The New Banks Result Inflation Land sales increased
Jackson issued specie circular States borrowed vast amounts Jackson distributed federal money to states Result Panic of 1837

22 States Rights and Tari ffs Tariff of 1828 Nullification
Nicknamed “Tariff of Abominations” by John C. Calhoun of SC Nullification Calhoun said state could nullify laws or leave union if denied Jackson created the Force Act Clay created a new compromise tariff

23 Van Buren, Harrison, and Tyler
Van Buren’s First Test Panic of 1837 Unable to fix Was not re-elected Election of 1840 William Henry Harrison Whig War hero Tippecanoe and Tyler Too! Died from pneumonia John Tyler took over – “his accidency”

24 Northern Economy

25 Industrial Revolution
Northeast Switched from trade to industr Aiding factors: Water power Trade capital Labor supply Poor farming y

26 Lowell Mills Textile mills
Brought girls to work in factories for a few years at a time Easily replaced therefore wages stayed low

27 National Road Also called Cumberland Road Privately built
Connected Markets!

28 Erie Canal Connected Great Lakes with Hudson River (Atlantic Ocean)
Great Lakes gave access to Mississippi River and New Orleans Paid for itself in 7 years Led to the development of New York City



31 Fulton’s Steamboa t kets Robert Fulton Clermont
Cheap transportation to mar

32 Railroads Faster, easier, and cheaper than roads and canals
Led to end of road and canal craze Became Americas primary transportation system

33 Telegraph Samuel F.B. Morse Telegraph Mostly used in business not pers
Electronic communication Mostly used in business not pers onal

34 Southern Economy

35 Cotton Cotton Gin Cotton Belt
Invented by Eli Whitney, but most farmers made their own Helped south meet cotton demand Northeast and England Textile Mills Cotton Belt Stretch of cotton farms from Virginia to Texas



38 How did the cotton gin effect the number of slaves in the south?
A. Increased B. Decreased C. Stayed the same D. The two are not related

39 Spread of Slavery Growth of cotton led to growth of slavery Owners
Only about ¼ of southerners owned slaves Most owned less than 20 More Slaves = More Cotton = More Money

40 Which of these activities had the greatest impact on the southeastern US between 1800 and 1860?
A. shipbuilding B. coal mining C. Logging D. cotton farming

41 Differences in North and South
Textile and industry High tariffs High price land Internal improvements South Low tariffs No internal improvements Cheap land in large portions One crop economy West Farms – wheat, tobacco, corn, and livestock Tariffs Cheap land Internal improvements

42 Which statement below most accurately describes the differences between the North and the South?
A. The north was less culturally diverse than the South B. The south was less culturally diverse and mostly agricultural, whereas the North was industrial and had a diverse population C. The south had many industrial areas, whereas the North was mostly small farms and plantations D. The north placed a higher value on tradition, whereas the south focused on new technology and industry

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