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It‘s Getting Hot in Here!

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1 It‘s Getting Hot in Here!
WRITING As Writers, we will be using different books which are all set or have a link to the rainforest: ‘Weslandia’ by Paul Fleischman and ‘The Vanishing Rainforest’ by Richard Platt. This term we will be developing our sophistication when writing letters and diary entries as we explore at a deeper level the features of these texts and how we as writers can effectively write in these styles for different purposes e.g. a letter or persuasion and a letter of complaint. As part of topic work, we will also be looking at biased arguments and using our learning around the rainforest and how it is threatened to argue why we should protect it. MATHEMATICS As Mathematicians, we will be continuing to build our understanding and confidence around multiplication and division. We will be continuing to practice and master more challenging questions using formal written methods. A key focus for us this term is to develop our reasoning skills linked to these calculation skills. We will be working on answering questions which require us to explain our processes and justify our choices. Linked to our topic, we will look at the Mayan number system and use their system to solve given calculations and problems. They will also use their multiplication skills to work out the ingredients they need to make their own mug cakes and what will be needed for the class. READING As Readers, we will be looking at a range of fiction and non-fiction texts linked to our topic. We will be developing our comprehension skills and in particular we will be focusing on our ability to pick up implied clues from the text and using multiply pieces of evidence from the text to support our ideas. Throughout the term we will be continuing to work on our written responses to questions. It‘s Getting Hot in Here! Year 5 – Term 2 HISTORY As Historians, we shall be exploring the ancient civilisation of the Mayans. We will be looking where they were located in the world and what life was like for them. We will have a particular focus his term looking at their beliefs as a civilisation and the different structures they built. P.E (Friday) As Gymnasts, we will be developing our gymnastic skills. We will be learning to work in pairs or small group to create balances and gymnastic manoeuvres together. Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit. SCIENCE As Scientists, we will be exploring plants. We will look at the different parts of the plants anatomy and their role in keeping the plant alive. We will also develop an understanding around how these plants reproduce. We will use our knowledge of the different plants to identify their role within lifecycles. DT As Designers, we will be designing, making and evaluating mug cakes. We will carry out taste tests to work out what flavours are the best and use this to plan our own flavour combinations. Once complete we will take photographs and carry out evaluations to outline what we think went well and what we would change next time. GEOGRAPHY As Geographers, we will learn about maps and the different information that we can gather from them. We will explore the different symbols on OS maps and use this to great our own of the local area. We will develop our understanding around the lines of longitude and latitude on a map and use these to locate countries and places of interest. ART As Artists, we will looking at the, form, shapes, patterns and textures of Mayan masks and using this stimulus to create our own versions. Using this, we will use modelling skills to build up our masks and use our painting skills to create an authentic finish. WIDER CURRICULUM This term we have number of exciting events happening in school: Wednesday 23rd January – Tales by Torch Light Tuesday 29th January – School Trip to Cadbury World 5th February – Internet Safety Day PARENT EVENT – Friday 15th March from 2pm

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