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TIPS- Application Fundamentals

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1 TIPS- Application Fundamentals

2 TIPS Application Fundamentals Overview
 Logging Into TIPS (Pages 3-6)  Field Attributes and Colors (Page 9)  Standard Buttons (Page 10)  Picklists (Pages 11-13)  Help/Questions (Pages 14)

3 Logging into TIPS
 Browse to the EQT Midstream Partners Customer Portal Login Click the Continue to Login button You will be presented with a Disclaimer; please read and select the Continue button

4 Logging into TIPS (Cont.)
You will be presented with the following screen; enter the Username and Password that was provided to you by ETRN If you need a User ID and Password, please contact

5 Logging into TIPS (Cont.)
 To access TIPS, select the Midapps link as shown below:

6 Logging into TIPS (Cont.)
 Enter the Username and Password that was provided to you by ETRN

7 TIPS CAW Login Screen Select Database: Quorum TIPS CAW – 6.0
  Enter required information Select Database: Quorum TIPS CAW – 6.0 Attempt to Use Cache File Click Login

8 TIPS Context Data Screen
1 2 After logging in, the Context Data screen will appear. This screen allows the user to set default values to expedite the filtering of data on  1. If user wants to retain defaults when they log into TIPS in future, the ‘Save’ checkbox needs to be checked.  2. Click the OK Button to log into TIPS.

9 TIPS Field Attributes and Colors
Blue Field: Key field (Required) Green field: Description field that can be used to enter partial values. Enter the partial value and hit the Tab key to get a pick list that is limited to the values from the corresponding pick list. Yellow Field: Required White Field: Optional Gray Field: Read Only

10 TIPS Standard Buttons “Scoped” pick buttons bring back results related to the current screen. “Un-scoped” pick buttons bring back all results related to the field, not just for the current screen. Shows additional records in a grid when more than 100 records exist. Displays all of the records in a grid. Saves the record showing on the screen with any changes that have been made.

11 TIPS Pick Lists The query filter section The query results section
 Pick lists are used throughout TIPS to assist users with the selection of data  Pick lists have two sections: The query filter section The query results section To filter and display the query results in a particular order, populate the query filters and hit

12 Pick Lists (Filter)  Query results can be filtered by typing a full or partial value in the Value field. An “=“ sign in the Operator field is not required.

13 Pick Lists (Other Query Options)
A variety of Operator values are available for querying the pick list data. Sort sequence can be specified for the pick list data. The “%” sign can be used before and after a value to retrieve, as in the example above, all business parties that contain “APACHE” in their Business Party name. Popular queries can be saved for future use by typing in a query name and clicking after querying the data.

14 Help/Questions  All screens within TIPS contain an Online Help button
 The Online Help button feature describes the overall functionality of the screen and a description of each field on the screen.


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