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United we stand divided we fall

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Presentation on theme: "United we stand divided we fall"— Presentation transcript:

1 United we stand divided we fall
Bullying lesson 10-14

2 Please show this video to all students.
8th graders we know you have seen this video, now that you have had time to reflect we want you to watch it again to check in on the challenge we left you with

3 Please turn to your shoulder partner and discuss: how did this school/team demonstrate awareness of other people’s emotions and perspective? Social awareness

4 Demonstrating awareness of cultural factors and individual differences
How did the students respect individual differences? Demonstrating awareness of cultural factors and individual differences

5 How did they use communication and social skills to positively interact with others and develop constructive relationships with individuals with diverse backgrounds? Relationship skills

6 Definition of bullying
MUST MEET THE 3 POINT CRETERIA Repeated or pervasive taunting, name-calling, belittling, mocking or use of put downs or demanding humor regarding actual or perceived protected class; Behavior that is intended to harm another person by damaging or manipulating his or her relationships with other by spreading false rumors; repeated or pervasive nonverbal threats or intimidation such as the use of aggressive, menacing or disrespectful gestures; blackmail, extortion; blocking access; stalking Definition of bullying

7 Harm or fear of harm-physical harm to student or student property or reasonable fear of physical harm Created a hostile educational environment or interfered with academic performance or other activities IS the target in a protected class was the action based on the actual or perceived to target their protected class Harm occurs

8 Act or expression is unwelcome
Consent does not mean that the action was welcome Act or expression is unwelcome

9 Severe/persistent/or pervasive
Severe can be a single action Persistent is repeated after the offender has said stop. Pervasive is rampant throughout the school many students Severe/persistent/or pervasive

10 Ex Examples of bullying you have seen at Depoali that meet any of these three point criteria (no specific names) Examples of unity you have seen at Depoali How are people making someone's day, making their week, or making them happy Create a poster

11 Next Wednesday 10-21 is UNITY day
Next Wednesday is UNITY day. We encourage all students and staff to wear ORANGE to unite against bullying National Unity day

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