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NDC Implementation Experience and Perspectives in Africa

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1 NDC Implementation Experience and Perspectives in Africa
AFRICA CARBON FORUM 11th April 2018 Margaret Barihaihi Regional Specialist Anglophone Africa - NDCP

2 Who we are and our mission
NDC Partnership is a new coalition established at CoP21 in Paris and launched at Marrakech at CoP22 The Partnership an early enforcer and catalyst to drive transformation of Country NDCs into action - a call by the Paris Agreement. NDC Partnership is made of developed and developing countries and international institutions working together to enhance cooperation and ensure countries have more effective access to the technical and financial support they need to deliver and achieve ambitious climate change and sustainable development targets as fast and effectively as possible.

3 How does the NDC Partnership Work?
Country members testify three of our approaches to have added our value: Country – driven processes - resulting into result based NDC partnership Plans Quick Action and Response Knowledge and Learning

4 Break down of Country Support Needs for 2018

5 What has NDC Partnership Achieved so far in Africa:
1. Mali Development of an NDC investment plan and NDC road map 2. Tunisia, Establishment of an NDC Roadmap . Establishment of a multi sectoral Management Unit to monitor the implementation of NDCs. 3. Morocco, Operationalization of the 4C Maroc (Climate Change Competence Centre) for Mitigation and Adaptation Elaboration of an NDC implementation roadmap, and a drafting of an NDC investment plan. 4. Namibia, Facilitated various multi stakeholder discussions - NDC support needs were identified. The Official NDC support letter is expected in April 2018. 5. Uganda, Facilitated development of the FIRST NDC Partnership Plan in Africa with 49 specific results Currently matching Development Partner support against country needs in the plan.  6. Kenya, Supporting the development the National Climate Change Action Plan Started coordinating development partners to response to short term and long term support needs. The NCCAP for Kenya is also the country’s NDC implementation strategy

6 Thank you! Margaret Barihaihi
Regional Specialist for Anglophone Africa  NDC Partnership Support Unit

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