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19.2 Expansion in the Pacific

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1 19.2 Expansion in the Pacific
OBJECTIVES Evaluate the success of the US in balancing their imperialistic needs with those of the indigenous people of newly acquired territories in the Pacific.

2 Bellringer Locate the Philippines on the map on p

3 Copy HW Read and outline p focusing on the causes and effects of the Mexican Revolution of 1910. Questions

4 Compare/Share HW Questions
What factors caused the US to become involved in the Spanish American War? What is imperialism? Why did the Supreme Court strike down some of the Progressive legislation? What were the causes of the War of 1812?

5 Intro How did the Americans respond to Weyler’s reconcentration policy in Cuba?

6 Expansion in the Pacific 1. Uproar over the Philippines
The Debate over Annexation 1.) Expansionists a.) increase trade/commerce b.) naval bases c.) spread democracy d.) prevent European control

7 2.) opponents a.) imperialism violates the ideas of the Declaration of Independence b.) formed the Anti-Imperialist League in 1898

8 3.) Philippines annexed on Feb. 6th, 1899 after fierce debate

9 b. Conquest and Trade 1.) Filipino Provisional Government already existed – Pres. = Emilio Aquinaldo 2.) War fought for control of the gov – 3 years a.) Aquinaldo captured b.) Am’s implement a concentration policy

10 3.) Philippine Government Act (1902) –The Organic Act – passed by the US
a.) Governor – US Appointed b.) 2 house Legislator Upper – US appointed Lower – Filipinos elect after “peace”

11 4.) Judge Taft becomes the 1st governor infrastructure improved
built schools and medical facilities trade with US increased – no tariffs

12 5.) Jones Act of 1916 a.) Filipinos elect both houses of legislator b.) independence when there was a stable government

13 2. Acquiring Hawaii Am. Missionaries’ descendents controlled large amounts of the lava rich soil – sugar plantations 1) King Kalakaua wanted America’s power reduced 2.) Am.’s created the Hawaiian League- goal = overthrow monarchy

14 Hawaiian Sugar Plantation

15 3.) 1887 - - Bayonet Constitution signed – limited native Hawaiians from holding pol. Office
4.) Annexation pressure in Congress

16 Queen Liliuokalani takes over in 1891
1.) attempts to overthrow the Bayonet Constitution 2.) Committee of Safety swings into action 3.) the Queen loses her power Quote – p. 566

17 3. American Involvement in China
War with Japan weakened China Spheres of Influence created (special trade rights)

18 Open Door Policy -1899 – Sec. of State Hay – called for = access to trade by all nations

19 Chinese resistance = Boxer Rebellion (1900) – China forced to pay $333 million in reparations

20 4. An Emerging Japan Pre 1853 = isolated
1853- Perry opened trade with the US Meiji Restoration – use of Western knowledge to increase power Became an imperialist nation rather than a victim Russo – Sino War (1905) = TR negotiates peace treaty

21 f. Great White Fleet

22 Closure Locate the following on a map Hawaii China Korea Japan

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