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Parent Progress Meeting

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1 Parent Progress Meeting
Year group: 5AM & 5LK/JM Date: Tuesday 4th December

2 Aims of the meeting… Understand the tests your child has completed.
What your child has achieved in their test. Information in envelopes explaining your child’s results. Results How you can help at home.

3 Assessments… Complete three tests each term.
Aims of the tests are to celebrate children’s achievements and identify next steps. Tests consist of: - Maths - English Reading - Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Writing (moderated throughout the year)

4 Assessments… Working towards 99 or below Working at 100-119
End of National Curriculum expectation is a scaled score of 100. Guidance of results… Each envelope contains 3 sheets with your child’s outcomes for: Reading, Maths and Grammar punctuation and spelling. Working towards 99 or below Working at Working at greater depth 120 or above

5 SAMPLE of Results… Strands showing how your child performed in the different topics within the subject. Raw score is then converted to the age standardised score. Breakdown of you child’s total score within a specific topic. The raw score your child achieved.

6 How you can support… Maths
Working towards: Practice times tables at home – learn by heart Practice calculation strategies – the 4 operations + - x ÷ Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000 Ensure children complete their homework on time – My Maths, Beat Thats Working at: Continue to practice quick fire times tables Use bar modelling, a variety of calculation strategies and problem solving techniques Working at greater depth: Encourage explanations as to how your child knows their answer is correct Multi step problems and word problems Solve problems in a variety of contexts – visit the website and try some of the challenging activities (beware they are challenging!)

7 How you can support… Reading
Working towards Ensure children are reading at home every day Ensure Cracking comprehension homework is completed on time Question children about what they have read Working at As above Read a wide variety of texts Ask inference questions – why did a character act that way/ how might they feel etc Working at greater depth Deeper understanding questions Encourage children to find evidence from the text and explain their answers fully Summarise information

8 How you can support… Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
Working towards Learn Year 5 spellings – we will send a copy home Practice writing at home Check sentences make sense when read back, including the correct use of punctuation Understand nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs Working at As above Use apostrophes correctly Use tense correctly Working at greater depth Understand a wide variety of grammatical terminology Write a variety of sentence types

9 Weekly Homework Daily Reading (Please sign reading record, any book/paper) My Maths (set fortnightly) Beat That’s - They must be returned every Wednesday or Thursday Cracking Comprehension online (set fortnightly). Library is open daily after school until 4.00 p.m Extra homework for certain children. Times Table Rock Stars

10 Any questions?

11 Thank you for your continued support.

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