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Grade 11 Vocab Unit 2 Abnegate - Vacillate 20 WORDS.

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1 Grade 11 Vocab Unit 2 Abnegate - Vacillate 20 WORDS

2 Word: Abnegate Definition: to deny oneself, to reject Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: She abnegated the ice cream in order to keep her preparations for the Olympic swim team on track.

3 Word: Affinity Definition: attraction, natural liking/sympathy Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Certain breeds of dogs have an affinity for hunting; it’s almost as if it’s in their blood.

4 Word: Atrophy Definition: to waste away Part of Speech: VERB Example Sentence: After being in a cast for six months, the muscles in my leg atrophied due to a lack of use.

5 Word: Bucolic Definition: country-like, charmingly rural Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The sprawling landscape of farmland and trees painted a bucolic picture of nature at it’s best.

6 Word: Complacent Definition: overly self-satisfied Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Lisa is very complacent and often stops working when she finishes her work without really checking it over and pushing herself to improve it to the best it can be.

7 Culminate Definition: to reach the high point or the most important part Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The To Kill a Mockingbird unit culminates in a writing assignment on the book.

8 Word: Didactic Definition: intended to teach, morally instructive Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Olivia speaks in a very didactic manner, which annoys everyone because she thinks she always knows what’s right and what other people should do.

9 Word: Endemic Definition: native, particular to a certain region Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The plant is endemic to the Northeastern region.

10 Word: FRENETIC Definition: frantic Part of Speech: adj Example Sentence: There was a lot of frenetic activity on the office, but nothing ever seemed to get accomplished.

11 Word: Harbinger Definition: a signal Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Warm weather is a harbinger of spring.

12 Word: Inevitable Definition: certain to happen, unavoidable Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: -The coming of winter in Boston is inevitable. -Finals are an inevitable part of the end of the year.

13 Word: Machination Definition: activity schemed for an evil purpose Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: The machinations of the troublemaking students were supposed to cause chaos in the school but one of the teachers caught them before they could do anything.

14 Word: Neologism Definition: study of new words Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: The whole point of vocabulary tests and quizzes is to expose students to neologism, but most students argue that they know enough words.

15 Word: Pejorative Definition: negative, disparaging Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The teacher’s mean comments were pejorative and uncalled for.

16 Word: Profane Definition: irreverent, disrespectful Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The student got in trouble for writing on the bathroom walls and using profane language.

17 Word: Recondite Definition: hard to understand, over one’s head Part of Speech: adj Example Sentence: The joke he cracked was recondite. Nobody laughed because it went over their heads.

18 Word: Saccharine Definition: excessively sweet Part of Speech: adj Example Sentence: The student’s saccharine comments came off as insincere. It was clear she was trying to use flattery to get an A. I do not like the saccharine taste of frosting.

19 Word: Stringent Definition: strict Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The stringent classroom rules prevented students from misbehaving.

20 Word: Tenacious Definition: persistent Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: The athlete’s tenacious attitude led him to never give up and always keep trying.

21 Word: Vacillate Definition: to be indecisive, to waver Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: George vacillated between taking a year off to travel after high school or going straight to college.

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