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Welcome to Year 4/ 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 4/ 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 4/ 5

2 Daily Routine 8:30 Say goodbye at the gate Packed lunches to the pegs
Coats and book bags to pegs 8:50 Register opens 9:00 Register closes 10:30 Break time (20 minutes) 10:50 Break time finishes 12:00 Lunch time (1 hour) 13:00 Lunch time ends 3:10 Home time

3 Mrs Ferris – Mon/Tues/Wed Mrs Griffin – Thurs/Fri
Your Year 4/5 teachers : Mrs Ferris – Mon/Tues/Wed Mrs Griffin – Thurs/Fri

4 Reading Children should read at home everyday, and record the page number on their bookmarks. They will be given a guided reading book to keep in their book bag, this will be read at school and at home. They should also have 1 free choice book from the book corner. These bookmarks will need to be in school every day as they will be checked in guided reading sessions. Reading Challenge: children need to read 25 times per term to win this treat!

5 Dojos 25 = 15 mins extra break - Friday
75 = cooking on a Friday afternoon 125 = sports equipment 250 = school trip

6 Working together Reading is still important!
Volunteers to listen to readers? Available most days after school

7 Home Learning Weekly spellings, reading and times tables will continue to take place. Reading: everyday for 20 minutes Times tables: three times a week Spellings: three times a week and peer tested on a Friday.

8 Equipment Hair must be tied back Plain stud earrings P.E.
Black shorts/white t-shirt for P.E. in the hall Tracksuit bottoms for outside Earrings removed Needs to be in school Wednesday and Thursday

9 Maths and Literacy MATHS LITERACY Link to learning journey

10 Learning Journey Ancient Egyptians

11 Any questions?

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