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Physical Activity and Health

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1 Physical Activity and Health
Lesson 1-5

2 Objectives TSW describe the components of health-related fitness
TSW identify physical activities that contribute to maintaining or improving the components of health-related fitness TSW summarize the physical, mental and social health benefits of physical activity TSW explain how an inactive lifestyle can contribute to chronic disease

3 Health Terms Aerobic Flexibility Oxygen Anaerobic Frequency Pulse
Capillaries Heart rate Stamina Cardio respiratory Intensity Strenuous Joint Stroke Duration Ligament Target heart rate Endurance Maximum Exhausted Tendon Metabolism Fitness Torso Muscular

4 Intro Transition In your student journal, write a few sentences that describe what you think physical fitness mean. Include things a person who was fit could do, as well as how his or her body would work and feel.

5 Teaching Steps Explain
Physical fitness – the ability of the body to function at its best, fit people are less tired and handle stress better Survey In the definition of fitness you wrote, what were some of the things you said a person who was physically fit would be able to do? What were some of the ways you said a fit person’s body would work and feel?


7 Teaching Steps Cardio respiratory fitness – walking at a fast pace, running, dancing, bicycling, rollerblading, skateboarding, playing tennis, swimming, cross-country skiing, hiking Muscular strength – weight lifting, sprinting, climbing, doing sit-ups, push-ups, squats Muscular endurance – raking leaves, carrying a backpack, walking, running, rolling in a wheelchair, bicycling, swimming Flexibility – stretching, yoga, martial arts, dance

8 Teaching Steps Explain
Aerobic activities – cause you to breath harder and heart beat faster, usually move your large muscle groups, help prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, lose or maintain weight, reduce stress Survey What’s one aerobic physical activity you enjoy doing?

9 Teaching Steps Explain – FIT
F – Frequency – how often you do the activity I – Intensity – how hard your body is working T – Time – how long you do the activity Target heart rate – 60%-80% of maximum heart rate (220 – your age = max HR)/ 0.6 or 0.8 Recommendation – start out closer to the 60% until you are comfortable to increase your work


11 Teaching Steps Survey How many of you were at your target heart rate after jogging in place for a minute? How many of you do physical activity that puts your heart within this target heart rate range at least 3 times a week?

12 Teaching Steps Explain
Recommended – aerobic activity 3 times a week for 30 minutes each time, but 5-10 minutes of activity 4 or 5 times a day Remember to start slow and build up over time

13 Teaching Steps Demonstrate
Make a fist with your hand and squeeze as tight as you can. Put your other hand on your bicep and curl your fist. Explain Muscular strength – amount of force muscles put out when they contract, involved in all movement, increased as muscles are “overloaded” Anaerobic activity – burn carbs without using oxygen, used only for short periods of time Survey What are some physical activities that would build muscular strength?

14 Teaching Steps Demonstrate
Make a fist like last time but do it 10 times. How do the muscles in your arm feel now? Explain Muscular endurance – ability of a muscle to sustain activity or continue to perform work, needed in everyday life, needed in sports – increases capillaries capacity of receiving blood and oxygen Survey What are some physical activities that would build muscular endurance?

15 Teaching Steps Demonstrate Stand up and touch your toes. Explain
Flexibility – ability of joints to move through full range of motion, joints allow us to bend, touch and rotate, depends on elasticity of muscles and connective tissues Survey What are some physical activities that would increase flexibility?

16 Physical - Mental/ Emotional - Social -

17 Teaching Steps Summarize
Teens who participate in regular physical activity: Have a stronger heart and lungs Have stronger muscles and more endurance Are more flexible and less likely to get injured Have less body fat and more likely to have a healthy weight Have more energy Sleep better Have a better chance of a healthy adult life – lower risk of chronic disease

18 Teaching Steps Summarize Look good and feel good
More energy and handle stress better Reduce mood swings and depression Help your grades – improving memory and concentration Feel confident and good about themselves Team sports – builds friendships and meets social needs Connect and share with family and friends

19 Teaching Steps Explain
Most teens care about the now rather than the future (avoiding chronic diseases should be your goal) Ask and Discuss What are some chronic disease we’ve discussed? How can leading an inactive lifestyle contribute to these disease? How might getting enough physical activity help prevent these diseases?

20 Teaching Steps Summarize
Physical activity – balances calorie to stay at healthy weight Inactive habits – increase risk obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure Getting enough physical activity each day is an important way to help your body stay healthy

21 Closure Close Do you think most teens get enough physical activity to stay fit? Why or why not?

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