1 The Memory With the PASTproject Frederic Andres Associate Professor Research Organisation for Information Systems NII (National Institute of Informatics)/

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Memory With the PASTproject Frederic Andres Associate Professor Research Organisation for Information Systems NII (National Institute of Informatics)/"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Memory With the PASTproject Frederic Andres Associate Professor Research Organisation for Information Systems NII (National Institute of Informatics)/ University of Advanced Studies Digital Content and Media Sciences Research Division andres@nii.ac.jp The MWP01 Contest

2 2 Digital literacy: Ermine Paolo Giovio, Emblem of an Ermine: Malo mori quam Foedari, 1574 Leonardo da Vinci, Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani, Czartoryski Museum, Cracow, 1483-1490 http://www.wga.hu/index1.html Azay Le Rideau Castle

3 3 Topics Visual and textual Topics

4 4 Contest Outline Standard (ISO/IEC 13250) data model (Topic Maps) for learning material 1year and half International contest Collaborative multi-lingual multi-disciplinary contest using Topic Maps Junior high school (500 classes) and high school (500 classes) Best teams (20) will attend MWP workshop in Japan or another place.

5 5 School Pupil MWP Network Fundamental Knowledge (30 lectures) Lower Topic Maps Upper Topic Maps MEMORY WITH THE PAST contest Using Collaborative Topic Maps

6 Inter-disciplinary Topics WHERE ? WHO ? WHAT ? WHY ? HOW ?


8 Another Topic maps point of view

9 9 Project Outline 3 years project on The Knowledge with the Past Multi-lingual Multi-disciplinary collaborative open source platform Standard (ISO/IEC 13250) data model (Topic Maps) for learning material Pupil Learning process by Practicing

10 10 end user 1 Collaborative Topic Maps end user 2 end user 3 CTM4PL view Collaborative Platform for junior high school and high school

11 11 Open source Technology and contents CTM4PL (Collaborative Topic Maps for Practice Learning Editor) Tools conversion to Topic Maps –PPT2HTM/XLS2XML –HTM2XTM –XML2XTM MWP digital memory collection for research and education for children by children


13 Promotion W.O.D.E (World Organisation for Digital Equality) NGO General Secretary Digital literacy 1000 schools network regarding the Memory with the PAST project Standardization JTC1/SC34/WG3 (Topic Maps WG) => bridge with APAN WG (Agriculture and Culture) Textual and Visual topics TM benchmark regarding IR and semantic retrieval Collaborative Network

14 MWP01 Schedule (tentative draft) Call for Participation: 2006-09-01 Registration Due: 2006-09-30 MWP Digital collection Set + tool released: 2006-10 Collaborative MWP editing by practice learning Phase 1: from 2006-11 until 2007-05 Collaborative MWP editing by practice learning Phase 2 from 2007-06 until 2007-12 Editing Results Return: by 2007-12-01 Report for the Proceedings Due: 2008-01-01 Award Meeting: 2008-02-15 until 2008-02-1

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