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Andrew Jackson: The People’s Prez!

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1 Andrew Jackson: The People’s Prez!
Today, we will learn about America’s 7th President—Andrew Jackson. After we watch the video introduction, answer the following question: Why do you think Andrew Jackson was known as “the president of the common man”?

2 Notes Page Fill in your guided notes as we discuss the life and presidency of Andrew Jackson!

3 The Election of 1828 Andrew Jackson had been launched to the status of “national hero” after winning the final battle of the War of 1812—the Battle of New Orleans. In 1828, he decided to run against John Quincy Adams (the 6th President of the US) for the office of President.

4 Fancy Pants Adams! The wealthiest Americans—the bankers, the plantation owners, and the merchants—supported John Quincy Adams who belonged to the Republican Party. He was a wealthy and educated man, just like them.

5 Jackson—a common man Jackson, on the other hand, was not born from wealth—his parents were poor immigrants from Ireland. At the age of 13, he served in the Continental Army as a young man, fighting for independence in the American Revolution. He later gained national fame by helping to win the War of His soldiers nicknamed him “Old Hickory” because he was as tough as the “hardest wood” in nature.

6 And the winner is… His common, humble background made him very popular with the people! His supporters, who were part of the Democratic Party, argued that “Adams can write, but Jackson can fight!” This popularity helped Jackson to defeat Adams, making him the 7th president of the United States.

7 Check your Understanding!
In the boxes, draw pictures to represent John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson and how these men came from different backgrounds.

8 President Jackson Jackson’s victory changed the way people viewed our government. People started to believe that the government should not be run by corrupt wealthy bankers and lawyers, but instead it should be run by common people, just like President Jackson. This idea became known as “Jacksonian Democracy.”

9 The Spoils System One of the first things President Jackson did when he took office was remove all of the Republican officeholders and replaced them with his own Democrat friends. His Republican enemies called this a “spoils system”—the practice of rewarding your political supporters and friends by giving them jobs instead of hiring the most qualified, educated person.

10 Check your Understanding!
If you were elected President of the United States, would you hire the most qualified people to work in your cabinet, or would you give your best friends the job? Explain:

11 The Spoils System Overview Parts Title Importance Connection

12 Andrew Jackson: A Profile
Brainpop Review! Use your notes and the information from the videos to complete your biography profile! Draw a COLORFUL picture of the wild n’ crazy Andrew Jackson  In the lines of the scroll box, write a FIVE SENTENCE explanation of why Andrew Jackson was known as the “President of the Common Man” In the timeline boxes, choose SIX events that occurred during President Jackson’s life. Draw a picture for each event and describe what happened!

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