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Global Approval Process

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1 Global Approval Process
Business Case Tool

2 What is the Global Approval Process Tool?
The new automated tool for completing promotional (standard & assortment) Business Cases. The tool contains the same information as the old Business Case forms, but all in one convenient place. The process must be initiated by a NAM. The process is owned by Marketing Operations, and Amanda Broderick holds decision rights for new primary SKUs and assortments. This process was designed to improve efficiency, eliminate SKU redundancy, increase SKU productivity, and provide visibility to resources needed. WHAT WHO WHY

3 What Changes Are Happening?
Looking Forward Today Automated Online Form Consistent Process & Workflows Tracking Capabilities Leadership engagement Excel Spreadsheets No Consistent Process Unclear workflows

4 To begin, visit the Home Page, linked here.
Welcome Page To begin, visit the GAP tool’s home page. Here you will see three options where you can: START a new Gap request Check the status of PENDING requests Search and TRACK all Gap requests 1 2 3 Start a NEW request here. Check on the status of existing requests here. Search and track all requests here. To begin, visit the Home Page, linked here.

5 Basic Information 3 Choose your request type (Primary SKU, Primary Lights SKU, Primary SKU- Autocare or Assortment) Primary SKU a 1 Type a description of your request and attach necessary documents. Primary SKU Lights b 2 Choose who the request is for and your market (CAN, US, North America, or Latin America) Primary SKU- Autocare c Assortment d 4 Choose the primary targeted account for the request *** From here, process will vary depending on if you choose Primary SKU, Primary SKU Lights, Primary SKU -Autocare or Assortment

6 SKU Extension Request via GAP Tool
*FOR CANADA ONLY* SKU Extension Request via GAP Tool 1 In order to use the GAP Tool for a SKU Extension Request for Canada, you must name your project accordingly before beginning the process. Canada SKU Extension In the ‘Project Name’ field, type “Canada SKU Extension” 2

7 If Primary SKU is selected…
**** Lead time is 90 days for batteries, 120 days for lights and Lithium

8 Business Case Information
1 Complete the business case section of the GAP process. Including: SKU Description, Closest existing SKU, Strategic reasoning, risk, and estimated ship date. In “Other Notes/Comments” please provide any information you deem relevant.

9 *For Primary SKU Business Cases ONLY
Product Information 2 *For Primary SKU Business Cases ONLY Fill out product information (Brand, Segment, Sub-Brand, Type, Cells, Packaging type and trays. 1. For primary SKU cases only, you will need to provide product information

10 Financials 3 To complete Primary SKU financials, enter SKU information (units, list price, MPR, etc.) , Expenses and P&L Gross Margin Hurdles: Alkaline- $250k Lithium- $180k Recharge- $330k Chargers- $325k Specialty- $100k Carbon Zinc- $150k Lights- $75k

11 Submit 4 Once you have completed all of the pertinent information, submit the business case. After the business case has been submitted, it will be sent along the appropriate workflows for review and approval*. You will receive notifications for each approval/rejection. *Please allow at least 2 WEEKS for a Business Case to be completed after submission.

12 If Primary SKU- Autocare is selected…
**** Lead time is 120 days.

13 Business Case Information
1 Complete the business case section of the GAP process. Including: SKU Description, Closest existing SKU, Strategic reasoning, risk, and estimated ship date. In “Other Notes/Comments” please provide any information you deem relevant.

14 *For Primary SKU - Autocare Business Cases ONLY
Product Information 2 *For Primary SKU - Autocare Business Cases ONLY Brand Ex.) Refresh Your Car Product Segment Ex.) Fragrance Sub-Brand/Form Factor Ex.) Vent Sticks Packaging Type Ex.) Card # of Units per Package Ex.) 4 Primary Package Type Ex.) Wide Card Trays Ex.) Corrugate Tray 1. For primary SKU cases only, you will need to provide product information

15 Financials 3 To complete Primary SKU financials, enter SKU information (units, list price, MPR, etc.) , Expenses and P&L Gross Margin Hurdles: Fragrance - $50K Appearance - $40K

16 Submit 4 Once you have completed all of the pertinent information, submit the business case. After the business case has been submitted, it will be sent along the appropriate workflows for review and approval*. You will receive notifications for each approval/rejection. *Please allow at least 2 WEEKS for a Business Case to be completed after submission.

17 If Assortment is selected…
**** Lead time is 90 days for batteries, 120 days for lights and Lithium

18 Business Case Information
1 If Assortment Business Case is selected… Complete the business case section of the GAP process. Including: Account name, checkbook, managers, strategic reasoning, project description, closest display, risk and estimated ship date. Please note: If lead time is not forecasted at least 90 days out for batteries and 120 days out for auto care and lights, you will get this error. However, for custom lead times, you will be able to continue through the process. From there, you will come to the Business case page where you will fill out any pertinent BC info This is where the process will vary based upon what type of business case you are completing. For either Primary or assortment, fill out the necessary information.

19 Financials 2 If Assortment Business Case is selected… To complete Assortment financials, enter SKU information (units, list price, MPR, etc.) determine number of assortments and type of assortments. Complete corrugate costs, fixed post spending and P&L. Gross Margin Hurdles New assortment: 40% GM rate, $75k GM Dollars Auto Care Assortment: Fragrance = $50k Appearance = $40k Replacement Assortment: GM must be same or greater than current and old assortment must be discontinued 1. For primary SKU cases, provide the following financial information

20 Submit 3 Once you have completed all of the pertinent information, submit the business case. After the business case has been submitted, it will be sent along the appropriate workflows for review and approval*. You will receive notifications as the request is approved/rejected. *Please allow at least 2 WEEKS for a Business Case to be completed after submission.

21 Pending Requests After you have submitted the Business Case through the new GAP request, you can check the status of any pending requests here. If a pending request has been sitting with one person for too long, contact that person via to expedite the process.

22 Tracking Requests After you have submitted the Business Case through the new GAP request, you can track GAP requests here. Here you can view requests by pending requests, Completed requests, and you can track requests by GAP #. By clicking on the GAP Number, you can view any comments/approvals when tracking your request. GAP Number

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