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Spanish American War.

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1 Spanish American War

2 Goal I will be able to explain the Spanish American War- the events leading up to, what happened during, and the results of the war.

3 Tensions Beginning Cuba was a Spanish colony who was trying to fight for independence President Grover Cleveland opposed interfering in Cuba Newspapers printed articles about Spanish brutality in order to gain attention and convinced people to support Cuba

4 Events leading to War Yellow Journalism
Sensational, often exaggerated news stories A letter from a Spanish minister that insulted both McKinley and the US was printed in newspapers, which enraged US citizens and gained support for the US intervention The mysterious explosion of the USS Maine- a US battleship outside of Cuba

5 The War Begins In response to these events, the United States declared Cuba free The Teller Amendment Said that the US had no interest in taking control of Cuba Spain then declared war on the US, and the next day the US declared war on Spain

6 War in Philippines The Philippines was another Spanish colony who were rebelling Commodore George Dewey went to the Philippines with four warships and two gunboats. With these he destroyed the Spanish Pacific fleet which was stationed in Manila The United States worked with Emilio Aguinaldo and the Filipino rebels to be able to secure the Philippines from Spain after three months

7 War in the Caribbean Going into the war, the United States Army was unprepared While attacking the Caribbean there extremely bad conditions- yellow fever and other diseases and bad food. 2,000 soldiers died from disease, but only 400 died in battle Rough Riders- soldier group made up of Native Americans, college athletes, cowboys, miners, and ranchers. Lead by Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt. Four African Americans who were in the Rough Riders received the Congressional Medal of Honor

8 Caribbean Continued The US forces (along with Cuban rebels) attacked and overwhelmed the Spanish forces, taking over the land and blockading the Spanish ships from the Caribbean The Spanish Naval Commander tried to break the blockade in an attempt to challenge the US The US destroyed the Spanish fleet, while the US only had 2 casualties

9 The end of the War Two weeks after the destruction of the Spanish fleet, Santiago surrendered Peace negotiations began when defeat was assured After a few days, the US invaded Puerto Rico, which was also in Spanish control, which surrendered with little resistance Cease Fire signed on August 12, 1898

10 Peace Treaty The treaty placed Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines under the United States' control Anti-Imperialist League opposed the treaty because they did not want the US to have a empire The treaty passed with 1 vote more than necessary

11 Cuba The US ignored the Teller Amendment
Reasoning behind this was to create stability and to increase United States economic activity there The US set up a military government with a rough rider as governor They built schools and sanitation system Solved the problems with mosquitos and Yellow Fever

12 Cuba Continued A Cuban constitution was created
Platt Amendment was a requirement the US put into the constitution which limited Cuba’s right to make treaties and allowed the US to intervene in Cuban affairs. Remained in place until 1934 Cuba was also required to sell or lease land to the US This US was active in Cuba until the 1950s

13 Puerto Rico Was made a territory with a Civil Government
Puerto Ricans weren’t originally considered US citizens, which caused tensions. In 1917, the Jones Act gave them US citizenship In 1947, Puerto Ricans were allowed to elect their own governor Today- Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth of the US. They can elect their own officials and has its own Constitution

14 Philippines US paid $20 million for the Philippines
Wanted to use the islands for naval and commercial reasons Public Relations Reason- to keep the rest of Europe from grabbing them up Filipinos were not happy (especially the rebels) since they had worked along side the US to capture Manila Started guerilla war, killing 4,200 Americans and hundreds of thousands of Filipinos before it ended in 1902 In 1902 Philippine Government Act was passed. It provided a governor and two house legislature to rule the Philippines In 1946 the Philippines got full independence

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