Introduction to Information Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Information Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Information Systems
ISYS 363 David Chao

2 What Is an Information System?
Information system is a collection of components that work together to process data and provide information to help in the operation and management of an organization. Information system is an organizational and management solution, based on information technology, to a challenge posed by the environment.

3 The Fundamental Roles of Information Systems
Support of business operations Support of managerial decision making Support of strategic competitive advantage Information systems that give a company a competitive advantage in the market place.

4 Fundamental Roles of IS in Business

5 Types of Information Systems
Operations Support Systems Management Support Systems

6 Operations Support Systems
What do they do? Efficiently process business transactions Control industrial processes Support communications and collaboration

7 Types of Operations Support Systems
Transaction Processing Systems Record and process business transactions Large amount of data, high processing speed, high reliability, accuracy, and security (fault tolerant) Data: internal, historical, detailed Examples: sales processing, accounting systems Process Control Systems Monitor and control physical processes Example: using sensors to monitor chemical processes in a petroleum refinery Enterprise Collaboration Systems Enhance team and workgroup communication Examples: , video conferencing

8 Two Ways to Process Transactions
Batch Processing Accumulate transactions over time and process periodically Example: a bank processes all checks received in a batch at night Online Processing Process transactions immediately Example: a bank processes an ATM withdrawal immediately

9 Management Support Systems
What do they do? Provide information and support for effective decision making by managers

10 Types of Management Support Systems
Management Information Systems (MIS) Reports and displays Example: daily sales analysis reports Decision Support Systems (DSS) Interactive and ad hoc support Example: a what-if analysis to determine where to spend advertising dollars Executive Information Systems (EIS) Critical information for executives and managers Example: easy access to actions of competitors

11 Management Information Systems (Information Reporting Systems)
Facilitate management control by producing summarized reports that compare actual performance against planned performance on a regular and recurring basis. Management control: Ensuring that performance meets established standards.

12 MIS Report Example

13 Information and Management Decisions
A decision is a selection between several courses of action: Penalty for bad decision Information helps reduce uncertainty: Incomplete information Information systems improve decision-making effectiveness by providing decision makers with information related to the decisions for which they are responsible.

14 Decision Support Systems
Facilities for assisting decision making. Structured decision The information requirements are known precisely. The criteria for making decision are known. The quality of a decision can be measured precisely. Internal and external data

The DSS Focuses on Semistructured Problems Manager + Computer (DSS) Solution Computer Solution Manager Solution Structured Semistructured Unstructured DEGREE OF PROBLEM STRUCTURE

16 Using Decision Support Systems
What-IF Analysis:Observing how changes to selected variables affect other variables. Sensitivity Analysis: Observing how repeated changes to a single variable affect other variables. Goal-Seeking Analysis:Set a target value for a variable, and then repeatedly changes other variables until the target is achieved. Example: Benefit.Xls Optimization Analysis Simulation

17 Other Information Systems
Expert Systems Provide expert advice Knowledge base and rules Example: Investment Expert System Knowledge Management Systems Support creation, organization, and dissemination of business knowledge throughout company Example: intranet access to best business practices, FAQ

18 Other Information Systems
Functional Business Systems Focus on operational and managerial applications of basic business functions Examples: accounting, finance, or marketing

19 Components of an Information System
Information technology People Database Procedure

20 People Information specialists End-user: End-user computing
programmer, system analyst, database administrator, etc. End-user: Menu-level end users Command-level end users End-user programmer End-user computing

21 Ethical Responsibilities
What uses of IT might be considered improper or harmful to other individuals or society? What is the proper business use of the Internet or a company’s IT resources? How can you protect yourself from computer crime?

22 Do you think it is wrong to
Copy company’s software for use at home? 35 % say no. Use company equipment like computers to search for a new job? 34% say no. Blame your own personal errors on technological glitches? 39% say no. Use office computers to do personal shopping on the Internet? 46% say no.

23 Workplace PCs May Not Be Very Private
Don’t be fooled: It may be personal, but it is not private. Cyber-surveillance: The person most likely to be spying on you is your boss. 27% of businesses surveyed by the American Management Association said they review employee . Reasons: Productivity Liability Network performance

24 Database A group of related files Support business operations
Provide information

25 An example of database application
LuckyMarket presents another great way to save with your LuckyMarket Rewards Card! You can get up to 4 FREE movie tickets! From Feb. 01 through June 9, 2007, use your LuckyMarket Rewards Card every time you shop at Lucky. When you accumulate between $250 - $ in groceries during the qualifying period, you get 2 FREE movie tickets! And if you purchase $400 or more during the same period you get 4 FREE movie tickets!

26 Major Functions of Database Management
Creating a database Analysis: Entity-Relationship Diagram Design: Design file structure Implementation Accessing a database Updating a database

27 Database Security Logical protection: Physical protection
Illegal access Illegal update Virus Physical protection

28 Internet firms flocks to store data in blast-proof bunker
Some biggest companies are running their Internet operations on systems installed in a 300-foot-deep nuclear blast-proof bunker.

29 Procedures Procedure: A step-by-step process or a set of instructions for accomplishing specific results. Operations Backup and Recovery Security Development

30 Operations Procedure: A procedure that describes how a computer system or application is used, how often it can be used, who is authorized to use it, and where the results of processing should go. Backup Procedure: A procedure that describes how and when to make extra copies of information or software to protect against losses. Recovery Procedure: An action taken when information or software must be restored. Security Procedure: A procedure designed to safeguard data centers, communications networks, computers, and other IT components from accidental intrusion or intentional damage. Development Procedure: A procedure that explains how IT professionals should describe user needs and develop applications to meet those needs.

31 Measuring IS Success Efficiency Effectiveness
Minimize cost, time, and use of information resources Effectiveness Support business strategies Enable business processes Enhance organizational structure and culture Increase customer and business value

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