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Tobacco Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Tobacco Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tobacco Review

2 What percentage of teens smoke?

3 Reasons people start smoking
Be part of the group Peer pressure Look more mature, cool Parents smoke

4 This can happen the first time you smoke.
Coughing Nausea/vomiting Pain, burning in throat and lungs

5 Each cigarette takes ____minutes off your life.

6 What are the hidden costs of smoking?
Ruined clothes Increased health insurance More medical/dental bills

7 Define addiction The physical or mental need for a drug or other substance

8 What are the four steps to tobacco addiction?
Trying it Smoking once in a while Smoking regularly (few times a day) Addiction-smoking a pack or more a day

9 Define withdrawal. A group of symptoms that occur when abruptly discontinuing or decreasing the intake of a substance (nicotine)

10 Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal include:
Sweating Headaches Difficulty concentrating

11 A single burning cigarette contains over _________chemicals, and includes about ________that cause cancer 4000 43

12 Name three harmful substances in tobacco that we focused on in class.
Nicotine Carbon monoxide Tar

13 Nicotine is a Carbon monoxide is a Tar is a stimulant odorless, colorless, poisonous gas thick, sticky, black liquid

14 Name 3 long term respiratory problems caused by smoking:
Chronic bronchitis Emphysema Lung cancer

15 Define chronic bronchitis
Condition that causes the respiratory passages to become swollen and irritated. Symptoms are coughing and difficulty breathing Define emphysema Lung condition in which the air sacs (alveoli) are damaged causing shortness of breath

16 Effects of tobacco on the body occur

17 Eyes- bloodshot eyes, sagging eyelids Skin- wrinkles (looks10-15 years older) Mouth/teeth/throat- bad breath, stained teeth, increased cavities, dulled taste buds, cancer

18 Lungs- destruction of cilia, damaged alveoli, difficulty breathing, cancer Heart- increased heart rate and blood pressure, fatty buildup that clogs blood vessels, decreased oxygen to tissues

19 Fingers- stained, cold due to decreased oxygen, dry and brittle nails Stomach/bladder/colon- ulcers, cancer

20 Brain- changes brain chemistry, decreases flow of oxygen to the brain increasing chances of a stroke. Makes people more nervous and decreases hand steadiness. Blood vessels- weakens blood vessels, constricts blood vessels decreasing oxygen to body tissues

21 What is secondhand smoke?
Combined smoke from the lighted tip of a cigarette and smoke exhaled by a smoker Passive smokers are also called involuntary smokers


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