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Transitioning from Washington to Adams

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1 Transitioning from Washington to Adams
The Federalist Years Transitioning from Washington to Adams

2 Federalist Years = Years of Tests and Precedents
Getting pulled in two directions Development of Political Parties

3 HaNDling Rebellion Shay’s Rebellion Whiskey Rebellion
Government (under Articles of Confed) was powerless to stop it Washington called out 13,000 troops to put it down (successfully)

4 La Revolution des Francais What do we do here?
Do We Support the Move Towards Self Government? Do We Repudiate the Actions of A Revolution Gone Wrong?

5 Party Politics in America
Federalists Democratic- Republicans Loose Constructionists Pro-British foreign policy Wanted a National Bank Strong National Government Strict Constructionists Pro-French Policy Against a National Bank Weaker National Government, Stronger States (old Anti-Federalist position)

6 Foreign Policy Key Word

7 Avoiding “Entangling Alliances”
The World War I Example

8 Avoiding War With France
The XYZ Affair

9 France begins attacking American vessels on the open Atlantic that are Britain-bound and looting them (300+ by 1797). John Adams sends a delegation to Paris to negotiate a stop The French diplomats offer to negotiate…for a price America begins preparations for war…

10 Alien Acts Sedition Acts Let’s Play “Who Needs a Constitution?”
The Alien and Sedition Acts Alien Acts Lengthened wait time to become a citizen Threatened deportation for “disloyalty” Sedition Acts Illegal to say anything “false or harmful” about the government Severely limited free speech

11 Most Significant Result of Alien and Sedition Acts:
Democratic-Republican leaders Thomas Jefferson and James Madison create the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Argue for Nullification: The right of a state to negate or ignore a federal law Sets the stage for 60+ years of argument

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