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The Civil Rights Movement

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1 The Civil Rights Movement

2 Making connections: Please complete questions 1 & 2 in your booklet.

3 A Little Review Jim Crow? Homer Plessey? “Separate but Equal”

4 Impact of World War Two WWII had been fought for freedom abroad, now people wanted to bring freedom to the South Black American soldiers had fought for freedom and now were dedicated to change

5 Jigsaw Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
While the US Supreme Court say “Separate but Equal” is legal, slowly a change occurs in American society as more and more people grow uncomfortable with segregation. We will perform a short jigsaw to acquire the information needed to complete your timeline on your handout.

6 1954: Brown vs. Board of Education
Not the only case against a school board. Called to reverse the policy allowing segregated schools. Linda Brown had to travel a lot farther to her segregated school than the white school close to her house. Unanimous decision said that “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.”

7 1955: Rosa Parks Was not the first person to refuse to give up her seat! Dec.4, 1955 a successful boycott of the bus company was launched. It lasted for 381 days. Bus company lost 65% of its passengers. Huge victory for the power of nonviolent resistance.

8 1963:Birmingham Planned demonstrations and sit-ins against segregation. Again demonstrated the success of nonviolence. Martin Luther King was arrested. Lots of violence (cattle prods, water hoses, and viscous dogs were used) against peaceful marchers. Resulted in Kennedy announcing a Civil Right Bill

9 1963:Washington Martin Luther King wanted to maintain the pressure on the government for the Civil Rights Bill peaceful demonstrators “I have a dream” speech

10 1964:Freedom Summer Despite the murders of some activists, people went to the South to support African Americans in registering to vote Successful in raising awareness MOVIE: “Mississippi Burning”

11 I have a dream… One of the most iconic speeches known.
As we listen follow along with the words printed out for you. As we listen write out three things that stand out to you. Please be prepared to share these after.

12 Assignment Is Luther’s dream a reality? What is your opinion? Do we have equality in today’s society? Where have we made advances (compared to the 1960’s)? Where are we still the same? Reference: Civil Rights: How Far Have We Come? handout

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