LING 388: Computers and Language

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Presentation on theme: "LING 388: Computers and Language"— Presentation transcript:

1 LING 388: Computers and Language
Lecture 1

2 Today's Lecture unfortunately will be short..
Homework 1: install Python 3 on your own computer unfortunate throat issues/coughing…

3 Administrivia This course has three aims: Learning outcomes:
Introduce you to natural language processing (problem/tools etc.) Introduce you to programming (Python 3) Prepare you for more advanced (and fundamental) classes, e.g. LING/C SC/PSYC 438 Computational Linguistics a possibly pathway to HLT Master's (Accelerated or Regular) Learning outcomes: familiarity with tools know how to write simple programs be ready to take more classes

4 Administrivia There are no pre-requisites No textbook
students have a wide variety of backgrounds I’m gonna assume you don’t know how to program at all (yet) everything you need will be supplied – except a laptop (you need this!) No textbook Classroom etiquette ask questions follow along: use your own laptop or lab computer! (Python 3 is installed) Slides will be available just before each class: they may be updated after each class (corrections; clarifications etc.)

5 Administrivia Lectures will be recorded using the Panopto system
Accessible via the course webpage via a browser (video, laptop screen, synchronized slides, keyword search) Successful recordings of the lectures not guaranteed

6 Administrivia Homeworks 7-10 homeworks (75% of the grade)
homework schedule: all homeworks will be introduced in class all homeworks will be reviewed in class if handed out on a Tuesday (Thursday) due by midnight the following Monday (Wednesday) unless otherwise specified late policy: none if you will be away: make prior arrangements you should expect to get an A to have to submit all homeworks Submit by Subject line: e.g. 388 Homework # Your Name ONE PDF file containing everything no .docx; use cut and paste; screenshots etc. no one document per homework question

7 Administrivia Term project (e.g. build some application) – 25% of the grade Office hours: by appointment (send ; try walk-in) attempt homeworks as early as possible gives you extra time to ask clarification questions bring laptop if something is not working After class: (short questions; clarifications)

8 Administrivia Course Policy: Revisions to the syllabus
you may discuss homework questions with other students however, you must write it up yourself (in your own words, your own code etc.) cite (web) references AND your classmates (in the case of discussion) Student Code of Academic Integrity: plagiarism etc. Revisions to the syllabus “the information contained in the course syllabus, other than the grade and absence policies, may be subject to change with reasonable advance notice, as deemed appropriate by the instructor.”

9 Administrivia No lectures on I'm away on business on Tu 3/5
Th 3/7 (Spring Recess) I'm away on business on Tu 1/29 Th 1/31 Tu 2/5 Th 2/7 (TBD: someone else will be teaching the class on those dates)

10 Programming install python3 on your laptop
pythonbook.pdf on course website old (assumes Python 2.7) but simple and uncomplicated

11 interactive (like a shell)
Python Python 2.7 Installed by default on OSX Terminal command: python interactive (like a shell) interpreter

12 Python On Ubuntu:

13 Windows 10: 32 or 64 bit system? Choose correct file:
Look for System in Control Panel: Choose correct file: Windows x86-64 executable installer (for 64 bit systems) Windows x86 executable installer (for 32 bit systems)

14 python 2.7.4:

15 Running the installer use default settings

16 Running the installer

17 Finish installation, and start Python
choose either Python IDLE or command line versions:

18 Running Python Command line IDLE

19 Python 3 download

20 Running the Python 3 installer

21 Finish installation, and start Python
Four versions present: Python command line (2.7.x) IDLE Python (2.7.x) Python 3.6 IDLE Python 3.6

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