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Chapter 6- Cell cycle-growth.

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1 Chapter 6- Cell cycle-growth

2 BINARY FISSION Bacteria dividing Completed Reproduction of Bacteria
Bacteria dividing Completed

3 Some can reproduce every 20 minutes
Reproduction of Bacteria The time of reproduction depends on how desirable the conditions are. (example- leaving milk out vs keeping them in the refridgerator) Some can reproduce every 20 minutes (one bacteria could be an ancestor to millions in less than a day) “EXPONTENTIAL GROWTH”

4 Binary Fission Bacterial Cell & Nucleiod DNA Ring Step 1
DNA replicates Binary Fission Step 2 DNA (chromosomes) move to opposite ends and attach to cell membrane Step 3-Cell grows in the middle Step 4 – Cell wall forms between the two daughter cells

5 Cell Cycle Stages in growth & division G1 Phase S Phase G2 Phase
M Phase Cytokinesis

6 G1 Phase First growth stage Cell increases in size Cell copies all of its organelles

7 Synthesis Phase (Replication)
Copying of all of DNA’s instructions Chromosomes duplicated

8 CHROMOSOMES- preparing for cell division- make copies of itself
CHROMATIDS- identical copies of DNA (each chromosome will turn into 2 chromatids) CENTROMERE- center where the two identical halves are attached

9 G2 Phase Time between DNA synthesis & mitosis Cell continues growing Needed proteins produced Organelles move to opposite ends of cell

10 M Phase (MITOSIS) division of the nucleus- in 4 steps
Cell growth & protein production stop Cell’s energy used to make 2 daughter cells Called mitosis or karyokinesis (nuclear division)

11 PROPHASE CHROMATIN condenses into CHROMOSOMES- two identical chromosomes are attached at the center called a CENTROMERE CENTRIOLES- move to opposite poles and produce SPINDLE FIBERS SPINDLE FIBERS appear and attach to centromeres NUCLEAR MEMBRANE- starts to disintegrate NUCLEOLUS disappears

12 METAPHASE SPINDLE FIBERS align the chromosomes in the middle of the cell ( “meet” at the equator)

13 ANAPHASE Individual chromosomes get pulled apart at the centromere and are carried to opposite poles via spindle fibers (pulled “apart”)

14 TELOPHASE CHROMOSOMES thin out into chromatin again
SPINDLE FIBERS disappear NUCLEAR MEMBRANE- starts to form making two new nuclei NUCLEOLUS reappears

15 Cytokinesis Occurs after chromosomes separate Forms two, identical daughter cells

16 CYTOKINESIS CLEAVAGE FURROW develops- Cell membrane begins forming and grows outwardly to meet the rest of the cell membrane-

17 G 0 cycle Cells exiting the cell cycle DNA is no longer copied
there is no growth Example-fully developed brain cells (neurons)

18 Human Chromosomes

19 KARYOTYPE (Pg 147) A photomicrograph of the chromosomes in a dividing cell. Chromosomes are paired up and arranged in order from longest to shortest

Two copies of each chromosome. (one copy of each chromosome from each parent)

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