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Cell Cycle Diagram ..

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1 Cell Cycle Diagram .

2 Interphase Interphase :3 sub groups G1, G0, (part of G1) S and G2
Interphase between stage cell grows to full size, duplicates its DNA and rests

3 G1 Phase - Growth Occurs just after cell division
Cell must re-grow to normal size Proteins are made

4 G0 Phase – the Resting Phase
Cell is “normal” during this phase Cell undergoes normal cell functions while resting A cell that skips this phase can become cancerous, growing uncontrollably

5 Check points Places where cell checks itself for damage before proceeding Cancer bypasses check points

6 S Phase - Synthesis DNA is copied for cell division
Once in S phase it is committed to go through cell division

7 G2 Phase - Growth Cell grows larger in preparation for cell division (like a bear hibernating)

8 M Phase - Mitosis Division of cell Nucleus DNA forms into chromosomes
Chromosomes separate with identical pairs moving to opposite sides of the cell New nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromosomes

9 1) Prophase Cell is beginning mitosis DNA coils up forming chromosomes
Spindle fibers form Nuclear membrane dissolves Centrioles appear Chromosomes Centrioles Spindle fibers

10 2) Metaphase Chromosomes line up along center
Centrioles migrate to poles Spindle fibers attach to chromatids at centromere Chromosomes line up Spindle fibers centrioles

11 3) Anaphase Spindle fibers pull duplicate chromatids apart
Chromatids migrate to opposite poles Spindle fibers Chromatids

12 4) Telophase Chromotids gather together on separate sides
Membrane forms around chromatids making 2 separate nuclei Chromatids unwind Cell membrane begins to pinch together Chromatids Nuclear membrane Cleavage furrow

13 C Phase – Cytokinesis Division of the cytoplasm and organelles between cells Membrane closes off each cell 2 new daughter cells form, each an identical copy of the original parent cell. (but smaller) Daughter cells Nucleus DNA cytoplasm membrane

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