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The Unhealthiest Health Food on the Planet Prize Drawing: Enter Your Name to Win If You Completed Last Weeks Action Item: Work on Sleep, Sun, and Supplements.

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Presentation on theme: "The Unhealthiest Health Food on the Planet Prize Drawing: Enter Your Name to Win If You Completed Last Weeks Action Item: Work on Sleep, Sun, and Supplements."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Unhealthiest Health Food on the Planet Prize Drawing: Enter Your Name to Win If You Completed Last Weeks Action Item: Work on Sleep, Sun, and Supplements YOUR GUIDE TO GRAINS

2 Otto and Ewald These are German twins photographed in 1969. Otto, on the left, was training for competitive long distance running, and Ewald, on the right, was training for field events like discus and shot put. Ottos workouts were low-intensity endurance workouts that caused his muscles to process oxygen efficiently but to deactivate genes for muscle development. Ewalds workouts were high-intensity interval training that triggered protein synthesis and increased muscle for short, explosive bursts. The twins were extensively studied by scientists. FUN PICTURE OF THE WEEK

3 FAITH POINT: ABIDING Abide in me, and I will abide in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must abide in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in me. John 15:4 Make no mistake about it: Overeating, eating sugary/carby foods that feed your bodys desires but not your bodys needs is SIN. It is a sin of LUST and a sin of GREED. You are not doing all you can to follow Him if you are continually indulging your bodys desires for foods that are bad for you. Abide in Him throughout the day…Bible, prayer, music, books, devotionals – CONTINUALLY ABIDE IN HIM and HE will help you!

4 1.History: Did We Always Eat a Lot of Grains? 2.Why Do We React to Grains? 3.But Didnt Jesus Eat Bread?GAME! 1.Grains make us fat 2.Grains create nutrient deficiencies 3.Grains harm our guts 4.Grains promote heart disease 5.Grains contain gluten, which promotes: Cancer, Autoimmune disease, Osteoporosis, Brain disorders, Bowel disease TODAY: HOW GRAINS HARM THE BODY

5 But were they always everywhere? A look at history. CEREAL GRAINS ARE EVERYWHERE


7 HOW MANY PEOPLE REACT TO GRAINS? 1% Full-blown celiac disease 30% Gluten intolerant 66% It is likely that virtually ALL people who are overweight (66% of the population) react to grains – insulin, addiction 80% Perhaps as many as 80% of people have observable gut inflammation from wheat

8 WHY DO WE REACT TO GRAINS? Animal foods are generally non-toxic…the animal gets no benefit from harboring poisons in their bodies to deter us from eating them because the poisons would harm them as well Instead, animals have fast legs, claws, horns, sharp teeth that they use to try to prevent us from eating them!

9 WHY DO WE REACT TO GRAINS? Plants are different – they cant run away from us, or claw us, or bite us They developed toxins that make them poisonous to predators such as insects, fungi, and animals They can make toxins that are safe for them, but harmful to us Grains have toxic compounds designed to sabotage the digestive tracts of mammals

10 Grazing animals have rumens designed to bear the brunt of the toxins. Humans do not have rumens to destroy the toxins, and therefore our guts are damaged by the toxins WE CANT DIGEST GRAINS BECAUSE WE DONT HAVE RUMENS

11 Harm done by toxins depends on the amount. Small Doses: The body removes the toxin, and the poison does no lasting harm Large Doses: Cells are killed or irretrievably damaged before the toxin can be removed WHY DO WE REACT TO GRAINS?

12 The danger of plant toxins is not great as long as no plant is eaten in large amounts. But can you think of a plant that we eat in large amounts? WHEAT!

13 Because the dose makes the poison, one of the most damaging foods in Western diets is also one of the most common: WHEAT Because we eat a lot of it, and because God designed it to have toxins to avoid predation, we encur a lot of damage from it! THE DOSE MAKES THE POISON

14 BUT DIDNT JESUS EAT BREAD? Bible time grains were different from todays grains Our grains have been bred to resist disease and predators….their toxins have been increased and enhanced by man Bible time grains were prepared differently Traditional cultures soak, ferment, and sprout grains to neutralize toxins – we dont Traditional cultures use the whole grain – we use refined grains, which turn into sugar in our blood Traditional cultures dont make Apple Jacks, pretzels, crackers, cookies and doughnuts out of their grains like we do!

15 WHAT DO GRAINS DO TO US? 1.Grains make us fat 2.Grains create nutrient deficiencies 3.Grains harm our guts 4.Grains promote heart disease 5.Grains contain gluten, which promotes: Cancer, Autoimmune disease, Osteoporosis, Brain disorders, Bowel disease

16 1. GRAINS MAKE US FAT Grains turn into glucose (sugar) in the blood We dont need that much glucose in the blood So we store that extra glucose in fat cells


18 GUESS HOW MANY CARBS/CALORIES IN 9 FOOD PYRAMID SERVINGS OF GRAIN? FoodCalsCarbs 1 cup Special K11722 1 doughnut22625 1 bagel (2 FP servings)28356 ½ cup pasta salad11315 1 serving Wheat Thins14022 1 cup spaghetti22043 1 slice French bread18536 TOTALS:1284 cals219 g YIKES!

19 Eating Too Much Grain Chronically High Insulin Insulin Resistance Metabolic Syndrome Obesity, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cancer 1. GRAINS MAKE US FAT Wheat seems to destroy the metabolism of cultures wherever it goes. Dr. Stephan Guyenet (Chinese who switched from rice to wheat were twice as likely to be obese)

20 2. GRAINS CREATE NUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES Health markers plummet among traditional hunter- gatherer cultures whenever they adopt cereal grains as a staple food, including: Reduction in stature Increase in infant mortality Reduction in lifespan Increased incidence of infectious diseases Increase in vitamin and mineral deficiency diseases

21 2. GRAINS CREATE NUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES Vitamin A – 20-40 million children each year – blindness, death, infection Vitamin B – killed 10s of thousands in Asia and Southeast US - cognitive dysfunction, infection, heart disease, dementia, pellagra, beriberi Vitamin D – autoimmune and heart disease Calcium – osteoporosis Iron – anemia, learning disabilities

22 VITAMIN B DEFICIENCY B Vitamins in grains are not bioavailable and are destroyed in processing and cooking. Beriberi (left) is caused by rice, pellagra by corn (right).

23 3. GRAINS HARM OUR GUTS Lectins in grains irritate the gut and prevent its natural repair, making it permeable and leaky Once you have a leaky gut, autoimmune diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, lupus, and dermatitis can develop


25 4. GRAINS PROMOTE HEART DISEASE Cereal grains are a concentrated source of Omega-6 fatty acids and replace foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids Unfavorable Omega- 6:Omega 3 Fatty Acid Ratio High triglycerides Thrombotic tendencies Athero- sclerosis Chronic inflammation Heart Disease


27 5. GLUTEN Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and possibly oats A third or more of people are gluten intolerant Genetically influenced Often starts as a baby Body maladapts Until full-blown intolerance develops, often in the 30s or 40s

28 5. GLUTEN AND CANCER GlutenOpiods Interfere with Natural Killer Cell Activity Cancerous Cells Left Unchecked

29 5. GLUTEN AND AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE Leaky gut Molecular mimicry Multiple Sclerosis Rheumatoid arthritis Chronic fatigue Fibromyalgia Crohns disease Canker sores Sarcoidosis Lupus Kidney disease Hypoparathyroidism, among others.

30 5. GLUTEN AND OSTEOPOROSIS Phytates in gluten grains bind to calcium, magnesium, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D When they bind to them, we cannot absorb them We become deficient in these vitamins (which are critical for bone health) and develop osteoporosis

31 5. GLUTEN AND BRAIN DISORDERS More than half of neurological patients have gluten intolerance. Gluten has been shown to damage the brain in two different ways: 1) damage to brain structures and blood vessels 2) damage to brain waves

32 5. GLUTEN AND BRAIN DISORDERS Depression, migraines, learning disorders, sleep problems, seizures, hallucinations, schizophrenia, senility, neurotransmitter deficiencies, autism, hyperactivity disorders, and epilepsy, among others Symptoms of altered brain waves occur within 30 min of consuming gluten Symptoms resolve within weeks to a year on a gluten-free diet

33 5. GLUTEN AND BOWEL DISEASE Diseases: Celiac disease, IBS, Crohns disease, Enteritis, and Ulcerative Colitis Gut symptoms that can be alleviated by a GF diet: abdominal pain chronic diarrhea of unknown cause steatorhea (excessive fat in stools) canker sores nausea and vomiting flatulence GI bleeding enlarged, inflamed tongue ulcers leaky gut pancreatic insufficiency acid reflux/indigestion

34 RICE – A SPECIAL CASE White rice is neutral No Toxins (Consider arsenic) Few Nutrients It is pure glucose that can be used to fuel the body and brain A safe starch for some people It is a safe starch if you need starch in your diet Its a NO Food for some people If you are metabolically broken, it might cause weight gain If it is consistently combined with sugars or industrial oils, it can cause weight gain and sugar/carb addiction

35 ACTION ITEMS FOR THE WEEK Read Your Guide to Grains Read Your Guide to Gluten Action Item: Eliminate grains (exception: rice in moderation IF you are not trying to lose weight OR IF you plan to eat a higher carb/lower fat version of Fit4God) Action Item: Change your Breakfast to be Fit4God Read Breakfast: The Big Idea List) Recipe of the Week: Pumpkin Coconut Pancakes Faith Point: ABIDE IN HIM throughout the day to keep you on track as you adjust to a new way of eating

36 SUBSTITUTES FOR GRAINS Breakfast - NO cereal, toast, muffins, bagels TRY Pumpkin Coconut Pancakes (for kids or a special weekend treat), eggs, nitrate-free bacon, homemade sausage, tuna salad, fruit, smoothies, meat and veggies Lunch - NO sandwiches, bagels, chips, pretzels TRY salads w/ lots of fat and protein, hearty soups, meat and veggies, dinner leftovers Dinner – NO rolls, no pasta! TRY just meat and veggies with potato or rice if you need starch Snacks- NO pretzels, chips, crackers, cereal, muffins Try nuts, pumpkin seeds, smoothies, tea w/ coconut oil, nitrate- free bacon, jello cream, cheese, meat wrapped w/spinach and cheese



39 NEXT TIME: SUGAR! Dramatically Reduce Sugar Make Lunch Fit4God

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