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Political Ideology.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Ideology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Ideology

2 Political Ideology Consistent set of beliefs and values about govt. and public policy Voting patterns and stances on issues Broken down into two categories Liberals Conservatives

3 Definitions since 1932 Liberals
Supports an active national govt. that will intervene in the economy and create social welfare programs Conservatives Supports individualism and personal responsibility (free market) States’ rights over national supremacy


5 Foreign Policy Conservatives
Believe we should maintain peace through strength More likely to support military intervention Spend more Liberals Believe we should spend less Less willing to commit troops to action

6 Social Policy Conservatives Support “right to life”
Supportive of school prayer Oppose affirmative action Against same sex marriage Liberal Support “freedom of choice” Opposed to faith based initiatives Support affirmative action Support same sex marriage

7 Economic Policy Conservatives Favor free market Want to keep taxes low
Want to keep spending low Liberals View govt. as regulator in the public interest Want to raise taxes on the rich Want to spend more on the poor

8 Crime Liberals Conservatives
Believe we should solve the problems that cause crime Believe more in protecting rights of the accused rather than punishing criminals Do not support death penalty Conservatives Believe we should stop “coddling criminals” Believe we should stop letting criminals hide behind laws Support the death penalty



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