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Follow this link: S:\Teachers and find your teacher’s last name.

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Presentation on theme: "Follow this link: S:\Teachers and find your teacher’s last name."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please remember to save your presentation to your 2nd period teacher’s workspace.
Follow this link: S:\Teachers and find your teacher’s last name. Save this file with your name in the file name in your 2nd period teacher’s WORKSPACE!

2 What is a SMART Goal The goals you write for this presentation need to be SMART goals. That means the goal is: Specific—The goal is simple and clear Measureable—You can attach a number or grade to it Attainable—It is in your ability to reach the goal Relevant—It is a goal that matters to you and your future Timely—You have a deadline by which you will meet your goal

3 What is a SMART Goal Examples of SMART Goals
By November 22, I will increase the number of push-ups I can do from 10-20 By November 22, I will be able to write an introductory paragraph for an expository essay that earns a 4 on the class rubric By November 22, I will be able to name and demonstrate all the parts of the scientific method By the end of the first quarter, I will be able solve an expression using order of operations properly.

4 Student Led Conferences
Name: Catchy title to represent your growth so far Example:“The Ups & Downs of 7th grade”

5 Introduction (30 secs) Explain why we are here
List items to be covered

6 Language Arts Data & Goal
List your standard(s) you are tracking for this class and the goal you want to reach List your MSP Reading score List your MSP Writing score (if you are an eighth grader) What I like best about this class/what I am best at is….

7 Language Arts Progress
List your Q1 grade for this class List your Q2 grade so far List your number of missing assignments Share your example assignment from this class (project rubric, test or written evidence – not daily HW) What you (your parent/guardian) can do to help me in this class is…

8 Math Data & Goal List your standard(s) you are tracking for this class and the goal you want to reach List your MSP Math score What I like best about this class/what I am most successful at is…

9 Math Progress List your Q1 grade for this class
List your Q2 grade so far List your number of missing assignments Share your example assignment (project rubric, test or written evidence – not daily HW) from this class What you (your parent/guardian) can do to help me in this class is…

10 Science Data & Goal List your standard(s) you are tracking for this class and the goal you want to reach What I like best about this class/what I am most successful at is…

11 Science Progress List your Q1 grade for this class
List your Q2 grade so far List your number of missing assignments Share your example assignment from this class (project rubric, test or written evidence – not daily HW) What you (your parent/guardian) can do to help me in this class is…

12 Health-Fitness Data & Goal
List your standard(s) you are tracking for this class and the goal you want to reach What I like best about this class/what I am most successful at is…

13 Health-Fitness Progress
List your Q1 grade for this class List your Q2 grade so far List your number of missing assignments Share your example assignment from this class (project rubric, test or written evidence – not daily HW) What you (your parent/guardian) can do to help me in this class is…

14 Social Studies Data & Goal
List your standard(s) you are tracking for this class and the goal you want to reach What I like best about this class/what I am most successful at is…

15 Social Studies Progress
List your Q1 grade for this class List your Q2 grade so far List your number of missing assignments Share your example assignment from this class (project rubric, test or written evidence – not daily HW) What you (your parent/guardian) can do to help me in this class is…

16 Elective Data & Goal List your standard(s) you are tracking for this class and the goal you want to reach What I like best about this class/what I am most successful at is…

17 Elective Progress List your Q1 grade for this class
List your Q2 grade so far List your number of missing assignments Share your example assignment from this class (project rubric, test or written evidence – not daily HW) What you (your parent/guardian) can do to help me in this class is…

18 Student Learning Plan Share your student Learning Plan with your parents/guardian. (You will prepare this in October)

19 Independent Learner Self-Evaluation
Almost Never Almost Always 1 2 3 4 5 I am respectful to others at Meridian. I have a positive attitude at school. I get along well with my peers. I help others when I can. I participate well in class discussions. I clean up when I’m finished working. I listen attentively to my teachers when they give directions. I work quietly without disturbing others. I use my time well in class.

20 Independent Learner Self-Evaluation
Almost Never Almost Always 1 2 3 4 5 I fill out and use my assignment planner on a daily basis. I study with peers. I use Tutorial to catch up on missed work or to get help. I challenge myself to go above and beyond. I do my best effort on a daily basis. I keep my binder organized and neat. I bring supplies (pens, pencils, colored pencils, etc.) to class. I complete AND turn in assignments on time. I turn in make-up work after I’ve been absent.

21 Independent Learner Self-Evaluation
Almost Never Almost Always 1 2 3 4 5 I take advantage of extra credit when offered. I do my work as neatly as I possibly can. I study for tests at home. I use past work and/or study guides to review for tests. I have a place and time each evening for homework. I am honest when asked if I have homework. If I don’t have homework I review what I did in class to study. I manage my time well at home for doing homework. I feel like I have the study habits/skills to do well in middle school.

22 Thank you for coming today!
Just two more things to do: Please take a brief survey gathering your feedback on the student-led conference. You now have time to go meet with your student’s teachers.

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