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Presentation on theme: "Voedselverspilling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Voedselverspilling

2 (Hungry Planet, Peter Menzel)
Intro (Hungry Planet, Peter Menzel) Luxembourg: The Kuttan-Kasses of Erpeldange - Food expenditure for one week: Euros or $ Favorite Foods: Shrimp pizza, Chicken in wine sauce, Turkish kebabs.

3 (Hungry Planet, Peter Menzel)
Intro (Hungry Planet, Peter Menzel) Mali: The Natomos of Kouakourou - Food expenditure for one week: 17,670 francs or $ Family Recipe: Natomo Family Rice Dish.

4 (Hungry Planet, Peter Menzel)
Intro (Hungry Planet, Peter Menzel) Germany: The Sturm Family of Hamburg. Food Expenditure for One Week: € ($ USD). Favorite foods: salads, shrimp, buttered vegetables, sweet rice with cinnamon and sugar, pasta.

5 Diagram verspilde stukken fruit

6 Initiatieven (CSA-netwerk)
Video-fragment gebruiken tussen 0:00 en 3:18

7 Initiatieven (Gleaning Network)
(bron: The Guardian)

8 Initiatieven (Feeding the 5000)

9 Bronnen Pin, P. (2013). Hungry Planet: What The World Eats.

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