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Sea Ice Remote Concentration charts from AMSR-E 89 GHz data

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1 Sea Ice Remote Concentration charts from AMSR-E 89 GHz data
08/09/06 Sea Ice Remote Concentration charts from AMSR-E 89 GHz data  Georg Heygster Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen Arctic ROOS founding meeting Lulea, 18 – 19 December 2007 (Updated version of presentation at Arctic Goos planning meeting September 2006

2 Overview Why Remote Sensing of sea ice? Outline of algorithm
08/09/06 Overview Why Remote Sensing of sea ice? Outline of algorithm Operational applications Conclusions and outlook

3 1. Motivation High resolution sea ice information in NRT needed at
08/09/06 1. Motivation High resolution sea ice information in NRT needed at Low ice concentrations C for navigation High ice concentrations C for NWP: heat transfer ~ (1-C)

4 2. ASI (ARTIST Sea Ice) algorithm
08/09/06 2. ASI (ARTIST Sea Ice) algorithm Svendsen et al. (1987): Use polarization differences near 90 GHz: High for OW Low for all ice types Similarly low

5 3. Results – Hemispheres (
08/09/06 3. Results – Hemispheres ( These maps use the NIC color table

6 Results – Hemispheres (
08/09/06 Results – Hemispheres ( The more intuitive blue-black-white color tale, preferred by most users.

7 Daily regional maps Arctic: Antarctic: North West passage Scotia Sea
08/09/06 Daily regional maps Arctic: North West passage Smith Sound Greenland Sea Svalbard Arctichesky New Siberian Islands Other: Baltic Sea Caspian Sea Sea of Okhotskh Polarstern Antarctic: Scotia Sea Peninsula Weddell Sea Neumayer Ross Sea McMurdo Amudsen Can be enlarged! Special interest in Caspian and Okhotsk (oil exploration)

8 Service for R/V Polarstern

9 08/09/06

10 Web page – Usage statistics
08/09/06 Web page – Usage statistics Growth in use: hits files pages GB sites April 2005: Per day Total Nov 2007: Increase factor:

11 7. Conclusions and Outlook
08/09/06 7. Conclusions and Outlook Daily data available at Good coincidence with MODIS and Polarstern observations Service continuously updated and stabilized Continued under ESA/EU GMES project Polar View EU IP DAMOCLES, Developing Arctic Modelling and Observing Capabilites for Long-term Environment Studies (science) Support offered to GOOS/IPY activities: Provide daily NRT sea ice charts additional maps for user-specified regions time series of historical data

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