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Titelmasterformat durch Klicken bearbeiten ESA-CCI Sea Ice ECV 11.02.2014 Stefan Kern*, et al. *) University of Hamburg. CliSAP, ICDC.

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Presentation on theme: "Titelmasterformat durch Klicken bearbeiten ESA-CCI Sea Ice ECV 11.02.2014 Stefan Kern*, et al. *) University of Hamburg. CliSAP, ICDC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Titelmasterformat durch Klicken bearbeiten ESA-CCI Sea Ice ECV 11.02.2014 Stefan Kern*, et al. *) University of Hamburg. CliSAP, ICDC

2 Integrated Climate Data Centre (ICDC) at CliSAP Integrated Climate Data Centre (ICDC) - Webportal at http://icdc.zmaw.de -Collection of selected, quality controlled data sets relevant for research within Center of Excellence CliSAP/KlimaCampus -Several data access possibilities: file system, http threads-server, ftp-server, OPEnDAP -Data visualisation with Life Access Server LAS -Easy setup of user-groups to exchange results / prototypes internally, if wanted with password protection

3 Titelmasterformat durch Klicken bearbeiten 11.02.2014 Outline ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) ESA CCI Sea Ice ESA CCI Sea Ice and SMOS Sea Ice Thickness

4 ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) - I Initiated by ESA because of the need for co-ordinated sustained satellite observations of geophysical parameters that are key to monitor & predict the Earths climate system Key drivers: ISCCP-Reports UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Global Climate Observating System (GCOS) GCOS issued list of so-called Essential Climate Variables (ECV)s, variables that are feasible to retrieve & have a high impact according to UNFCCC requirements. One of these ECVs: Sea Ice

5 ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) - II Taken from presentation at ESA CCI Information Day in Oct. 2009

6 ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) - III Tasks (within first 3 years): Requirement analysis, data product specification & error characterization Algorithm intercomparison, validation & selection Prototyping system and global data products Product validation and user assessment (Operational) system specification Management

7 Titelmasterformat durch Klicken bearbeiten 11.02.2014 Outline ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) ESA CCI Sea Ice ESA CCI Sea Ice and SMOS Sea Ice Thickness

8 ESA CCI Sea Ice - Overview ESA CCI Sea Ice ECV project Kick-off:December 2011 Duration: 3 years Lead by:NERSC, Norway (Science) & Logica, U.K./Norway Institutions:Norway: NERSC, Finland:FMI U.K.:UCL, University of Cambridge Denmark:DMI, DTU France:IFREMER Germany:MPI-M, University of Hamburg, University of Bremen

9 ESA CCI Sea Ice – Breakdown of work ESA CCI Sea Ice ECV project structure

10 ESA CCI Sea Ice - Parameters Provide: Quality controlled, user assessed, validated sea ice concentration (SIC) time series for 1979-today for both hemispheres Quality controlled, user assessed, validated sea ice thickness (SIT) time series for 1993-today for the Arctic Do: Feasibility study about SIT retrieval in the Antarctic, including update of current snow depth on Antarctic sea ice data set

11 ESA CCI Sea Ice – Key steps WP1 User Requirements Product Specification Error Characterization User consultation Questionnaire Documents (e.g. GCOS) Scientific articles Review of input & validation data Technically feasible Temporally feasible Meets requirements

12 ESA CCI Sea Ice – Key steps WP2 / Round Robin Best algorithm(s) combination Satellite data (for SIC & SIT retrieval) Independent satellite & other data for algorithm selection & validation Algorithms (SIC) NASA-Team Comiso-Bootstrap ASI OSI-SAF … many more

13 ESA CCI Sea Ice – Key steps WP3 SIC & SIT ECV prototype products ECV production system prototype Best algorithm(s) combination Data required by the selected approach Implementation of selected approach Uncertainty estimation Generation of ECV prototype product Test & validation of production chain

14 ESA CCI Sea Ice – Key steps WP4 Quality assessed SIC & SIT ECV products Quantification of errors Identification of key problem areas to be improved in ESA-CCI phase II Inter-comparison our products with independent SIC & SIT observations & trend analysis Long-term stability analysis of our SIC & SIT product including their uncertainties Usage of our SIC & SIT products in numerical models & analysis of potential improvement Inter-comparison of our products with model results

15 Titelmasterformat durch Klicken bearbeiten 11.02.2014 Outline ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) ESA CCI Sea Ice ESA CCI Sea Ice and SMOS Sea Ice Thickness

16 ESA CCI & SMOS - I We learned today: Sea ice thickness (SIT) retrieval using SMOS is feasible SMOS SIT uncertainty can be described properly & is mainly a function of ice temperature & salinity& assumptions made for the retrieval Therefore: SMOS SIT is an important addition to current and future (ESA- CCI) SIT data sets SMOS SIT fills gap at lower SIT range, where Cryosat-II & ICESat-I /-II fail or are likely to fail because of i) observational limitations of the sensors ii) sea ice & snow physics

17 ESA CCI & SMOS - II SMOS SIT product does not yet meet ECV requirements: Validation still in baby shoes Time series too short Research stadium BUT: Very valuable data set for Arctic SIT inter-comparison studies within WP4 Might turn out as the only data set able to capture Arctic ocean fall freeze-up properly YES, WE WOULD APPRIATE TO RECEIVE DATA: 50 km grid resolution // monthly // physically based uncertainty estimates // RFI flags // SIC // IST // netCDF

18 ESA CCI Sea Ice – User questionnaire A user questionnaire has been set up Which sea-ice parameters are how important for you? For sea ice concentration and sea ice thickness: What are your requirements [today & in the future] in terms of / how important is - Spatial-temporal resolution / Region / Time period - Uncertainty budget (accuracy, precision, long-term stability)

19 ESA CCI key element: Error characterization SIC 5% 5% / decade Representativity and sampling

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