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Stakeholder Summit Session : Strengths and Successes

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1 Stakeholder Summit Session : Strengths and Successes
March 21, 2018

2 Agenda Purpose Generate the foundational elements of a strategic plan through an engaged process Session 1: Vision, Mission & Values Session 2: Strengths and Successes Session 3: Opportunities and Possibilities Session 4: Aspirations

3 Elements of Strategic Planning
The strategic map is a visual depiction of the outcomes generated by the strategic planning process being used by Wright State. Phase 1 Phase 2

4 Values: Something viewed as worthy of aspiration Character-Focused Values: Virtues that are necessary to the well-being and success of the organization Mission-Oriented Values: Objectives or actions that are central to the university mission or purpose.

5 Mission-Oriented Values
Providing student-centric service Valuing each person Contributing to society Helping people to develop and grow Providing hands-on education

6 Character-Focused Values
Collaboration Grit Pride Integrity Innovation Visionary leadership Compassion Drive Flexibility

7 Group Discussion Values Go around the table and share your top values
Select three values to represent the table Write the value in large bold letters, along with a definition in smaller print Mission Statement On a 4X8 card, propose a mission statement

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